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New books about online surveys recommended at the AEA listserv

Because so many RMLs conduct online surveys, I thought I would mention a couple of books recently recommended in discussions at EvalTalk, the American Evaluation Association’s listserv. The first is Don Dillman’s book “Mail and Internet Surveys” (updated 2007, Sage). Don Dillman is probably the best known survey researcher – that is, he researches the best ways to conduct survey research. I have used this particular book and found it to be very useful, although I have not seen this edition. The second book is by Sue and Ritter called “Conducting Online Surveys” (2007, Sage). One listserv member said he liked the book because (among other things) it addressed issues related to response rates – a concern that most of us have regarding online surveys. If you are a member of AEA, you may get similar information from an upcoming issue of New Directions in Evaluation which deals directly with use of online surveys in evaluation. This issue is edited by Sue and Ritter and is due out in September. New Directions in Evaluation is free to AEA members.