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MicroAward Recipients Announced

The National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Middle Atlantic Region (NN/LM MAR) is pleased to announce the awarding of MicroAwards to the following network members:

Susan Jeffery, Albright Memorial Library-Scranton Public Library, Scranton, PA for her project, Presentation of MedlinePlus poster at the Pennsylvania Library Association in State College, PA October 15 & 16, 2007.

Loida Garcia-Febo, Queens Library, Queens, NY for her project, Community Health Fairs (promotional materials of pens and magnets) throughout Queens, NY during 2007.

The MicroAwards are small (micro) awards of up to $500 awarded to network members to enhance their services and provide seed money for ongoing or one-time projects through the purchase of displays, brochures, presentations, materials, refreshments, equipment, supplies, or presentation of small programs.

MicroAwards are currently available and will be awarded until funds are depleted. MicroAward applications are reviewed in-house by RML staff, with notification of award given 10 days from receipt of a complete application. Apply online at: Questions? Call or email Arpita Bose at 1.800.338.7657 or

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