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Rejecting Requests from Non-EFTS Libraries

We have heard from many libraries about rejecting requests from non-EFTS libraries. While we understand EFTS libraries’ desire to avoid paper invoices, we also understand non-EFTS libraries limits in participating in the program.

For all libraries that consider it acceptable to not fill for non-EFTS libraries, we urge you to consider the long-term implications and the potential exclusion this will impose on a large segment of the DOCLINE community. More importantly, if you elect to practice this method of rejection, please use some professional discretion:

  • Urgent Patient Care requests require immediate service and all participating libraries should do their best to complete these request promptly for EFTS and non-EFTS requestors alike.
  • Requests that have routed beyond the normal routing table (Refer to Resource Libraries, Refer on After NLM) have exhausted normal options for borrowing and need to be completed.
  • Free reciprocal requests which would not require invoicing should not be rejected for non-EFTS libraries. Participation in a library group requires completion of requests per the terms of the group. Any library that is a member of FreeShare or BHSL *must* honor another FreeShare/BHSL library’s requests per group agreements. Even if the requesting library is not EFTS, that has no bearing on whether or not that library is FreeShare/BHSL.

DOCLINE requires that libraries provide reciprocal service and the rejection of an entire category of libraries from resource sharing seriously jeopardizes the continued success of DOCLINE.

MAR has explored non-EFTS libraries’ reasons for not participating in the program and we have found that these libraries are excluded not by choice, but by circumstance—hospital administrators and accounting departments that restrict the placement of money on deposit.

If you encounter a non-EFTS library, take a moment to encourage their membership in the program or refer them to their RML to help them join EFTS.

For non-EFTS libraries, MAR has recently launched a new EFTS award which provides up to $200 in starter funds. These funds can ensure that when and if you ever need to borrow for cost, the money will be there. It also marks your library as an EFTS participant. Please consider applying for this award ( Deadline for applications is August 1, 2008.

If you have questions, please contact the RML ( or 1-800-338-7657).

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