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Conference Award Announcement: Library Space and Its Impact

Library Space and Its Impact Conference Award


At the 2003 National Library of Medicine - Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries (AAHSL) symposium, “Library as Place: Building and Revitalizing Health Sciences Libraries in the Digital Age,” asked questions of what the role of the library in the 21st century would be; the roles of computers and books; and what these new and newly reconfigured library spaces would look like.

The symposium found that the library of the future would change from, “static bricks and mortar transforming into fluid, light-filled spaces wired for both physical and virtual learning, and flexible, collaborative problem solving superseding isolated, monastic-style study.”

Five years since that symposium, the pace of change has accelerated:

* Many, if not most, academic health sciences libraries’ conversion to e-only journals has largely taken place;
* Print journal volumes are going into storage or are being discarded;
* Library space is being identified for other institutional needs;
* Library leaders are identifying new roles for librarians, while discarding or adjusting traditional roles and services

NN/LM MAR seeks to hold a conference on the transformational change of library space and its impact on librarians and library services.

Requests for Letters of Interest
The NN/LM MAR is accepting letters of interest for a one-day conference award on: Transformational Change of Library Space and Its Impact on Librarians and Library Services from NN/LM MAR full members. The applications will address the issue of library and librarian identity in light of changing or reduced physical space. The conference should also
address the following issues:

* Models or best practices in libraries’ reduction of a print collection;
* Models or best practices in libraries’ reduction of space and/or re-purposing of existing space
* Emerging roles and identities of librarians in the changing physical environment
* Models or best practices of adjusting traditional library roles and services
* Offer models or best practices across all of the issues that are applicable to hospital libraries and librarians

The purpose of the Transforming Space Conference Award is to allow full members to host conferences on models or best practices in libraries’ reduction of space and/or re-purposing of existing space as well as identify emerging roles for librarians in the changing environment. This conference is part of the NN/LM MAR Strategic Plan 2008-2009. The conference should be
held at a level to attract attendees from a wide geographic area within the Middle Atlantic region (Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania).

The audience is both academic health sciences librarians and hospital librarians. The conference should be broad enough in scope to address issues and suggest best practices that could apply to both types of libraries.

Application Process
Applicants should email or fax a 2-3 page proposal letter. The proposal letter should include:

* Applicant’s name, contact information
* Name and contact information of any partners
* Approach to conference themes
* Proposed agenda
* Names of speakers
* Facility capacity
* Draft budget

Letters of interest will be reviewed by the NN/LM MAR Executive Committee. Reviewers may contact the applicant with questions or comments for clarification and revision of the proposal letter. The merits of each application will be carefully evaluated, based on responsiveness to the call for applications.

The Executive Committee will select a proposal letter for submission of a complete proposal. Upon receipt of a complete proposal, and final review by the Executive Committee, the applicant will receive the conference award.

Awards must be applied to hold a conference scheduled within twelve months of the award date.

Email letters of interest to:

Evaluation Criteria
Ability to imaginatively address conference themes and propose models and suggest best practices for academic health sciences librarians and hospital librarians.

35 points
Ability of applicant to host a conference, including facilities, a/v, technology and geographic location within the region.

35 points
Experience and qualifications of key personnel, including names of potential partners
30 points

Total Possible Points: 100

Cost Proposal Instructions
Total expenses must not exceed $15,000.

Allowable expenses include:

* Speaker fees and honoraria
* Travel
* Publicity
* Space rental
* Electricity
* Telephone lines/data lines
* Audiovisual costs
* Printing/reproduction/duplication
* Equipment rental

Non-allowable expenses include:

* Indirect costs
* Personnel costs
* Food
* Furniture

Deadline for submission of letters of interest: April 15, 2008

If you have questions or require assistance contact Kathel Dunn, Associate Director, at 1-800-338-7657, 212-263-4197, or . Awards will be announced on the MAR discussion list, MARL; as well as the MAR newsletter, the MARquee.

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