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Clean Coal Demonstrations
Environmental Control Technologies - NOx Control Technologies

Evaluation of Gas Reburning and Low-NOx Burners on a Wall-Fired Boiler - Project Brief [PDF-252KB]
Energy and Environmental Research Corp., Denver, CO



  • B.A. Folsom (Energy and Environmental Research Corporation), A.L. Baldwin (Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center), et al., "Demonstration of Gas Reburning-Low-NOx Burner Technology for Cost-Effective NOx Emission Control," Fourth Annual Clean Coal Technology Conference: The Global Opportunity, September 1995. U.S. Department of Energy report CONF-9509170.
  • D.A. Engelhardt (Energy and Environmental Research Corporation), et al., "Gas Reburning in Tangentially-, Wall-, and Cyclone-Fired Boilers -- An Introduction to Second Generation Gas Reburning," Third Annual Clean Coal Technology Conference, Chicago, Illinois, September 1994.
  • A. Sanyal (Energy and Environmental Research Corporation), "Advanced NOx Control Technologies," Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference and Exhibition for the Power Generating Industries (Book II, Volume IV), Dallas, Texas, November 1993.
  • H.M. Moser (Energy and Environmental Research Corporation), et al., "Gas Reburning and Low-NOx Burners on a Wall-Fired Boiler," Second Annual Clean Coal Technology Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, September 1993. U.S. Department of Energy report CONF-9309152.
  • J.J. Catasus-Servia, et al., "Test for an Optimization Method Applied to Controlling NOx Emissions in a PC-Fired Boiler," Third International Joint ISA/POWID EPRI Controls and Instrumentation Conference, June 1993.
  • B.A. Folsom, et al., "Reducing Stack Emissions by Gas Firing in Coal-Designed Boilers-Field Evaluation Results," EPRI/EPA Joint Symposium on Stationary Combustion NOx Control, May 1993.
  • J.N. Sorge, et al., "The Effects of Low-NO x Combustion on Unburned Carbon Levels in Wall-Fired Boilers," Engineering Foundation Conference on Coal Utilization, February 1993.
  • R.J. Kleisley and C.E. Latham (The Babcock & Wilcox Company), and D.A. Moore, C.P. Bellanca, and H.V. Duong (Dayton Power and Light), "Fullscale Demonstration of Low-NOx Cell™ Burners at Dayton Power and Light's J.M. Stuart Station Unit No.4," First Annual Clean Coal Technology Conference, Cleveland,Ohio, September 1992.
  • T.M. Sommer, C.C. Hong, and A.M. Moser (Energy and Environmental Research Corporation), and H.J. Ritz (Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center), "Integrating Gas Reburning with Low-NOx Burners," First Annual Clean Coal Technology Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, September 1992.