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Clean Coal Demonstrations
Environmental Control Technologies - NOx Control Technologies

Full-Scale Demonstration of Low-NOx Cell Burner Retrofit - Project Brief [PDF-294KB]
The Babcock & Wilcox Company, Aberdeen, OH



  • A.S. Yagiela (The Babcock & Wilcox Company), et al., "Status of Babcock & Wilcox's Clean Coal Technology Combustion Modification Projects: Coal Reburning for Cyclone Boiler NOx Control and Low-NOx Cell-Burner Demonstrations," Third Annual Clean Coal Technology Conference, Chicago, Illinois, September 1994.
  • J.M. Piepho (The Babcock & Wilcox Company), "Preliminary Results from the Cyclone Coal Reburn and the Low-NOx Cell™ Burner Clean Coal Demonstrations." Proceedings of the Ninth Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference: Coal-Energy and the Environment, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 1992.
  • R.J. Kleisley, et al., "Full-Scale Demonstration of Low NOx Cell™ Burners at Dayton Power & Light's J.M. Stuart Unit No. 4,"  First Annual Clean Coal Technology Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, September 1992.