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Environmental Control Technologies - NOx Control Technologies

Demonstration of Advanced Combustion Techniques for a Wall-Fired Boiler - Project Brief [PDF-275KB]
Southern Company Services, Inc., Coosa, GA



  • J.N. Sorge, M.D. Slatsky (Southern Company Services), et al., "Combustion Optimization Using GNOCIS™," Sixth Clean Coal Technology Conference, Reno, Nevada, May 1998. U.S. Department of Energy report CONF-980410--VOL II.
  • J.N. Sorge (Southern Company Services), R. Squires (Power Gen), G.H. Warriner (Radian International), and J. Stallings (Electric Power Research Institute), "GNOCIS™ -- A Performance Update on the Generic NOx Control Intelligent System," 1997 EPRI-EPA Combined Utility Air Pollutant Control Symposium, Washington, DC, August 25-29, 1997.
  • J.N. Sorge (Southern Company Services), S.M. Smouse (DOE-Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center), and J. Stallings (Electric Power Research Institute), "GNOCI -- An On-Line NOx Emissions and Plant Performance Optimizer for Fossil Fuel-Fired Power Plants," 1997 International Conference on Power Engineering (ICOPE), Tokyo, Japan, July 13-17, 1997.
  • C.L. Larrimore  and J.N. Sorge (Southern Company Services), "Evaluation of On-Line Carbon-in-Ash Measurement Technologies," U.S. DOE Third Conference on Unburned Carbon on Utility Fly Ash, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May 13-14, 1997.
  • J.N. Sorge, C.L. Larrimore, M.D. Slatsky (Southern Company Services, Inc.), W.R. Mensies (Radian Corporation), S.M. Smouse (DOE), and J.W. Stallings (Electric Power Research Institute), "500 MW Demonstration of Advanced Wall-Fired Combustion Techniques for the Reduction of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions from Coal-Fired Boilers," Fifth Annual Clean Coal Technology Conference, Tampa, Florida, January 1997.
  • K.D. Bunch, C.L. Larrimore, and J.N. Sorge (Southern Company Services), "Evaluation of On-Line Carbon-in-Ash Measurement Technologies," 28th Annual North American Power Symbposium, Cambridge, Massachusetts, November 10-12, 1996.
  • J.N. Sorge, C.L. Larrimore, and K.D. Bunch (Southern Company Services), "Demonstration of On-Line Carbon-in-Ash Measurement Technologies at Southern Company Plants," EPRI NOx Controls for Utility Boilers Workshop. Cincinnati, Ohio, August 6-8, 1996.
  • J.N. Sorge (Southern Company Services), W.R. Menzies (Radian International), R.T. Squires (PowerGen), and J.W. Stallings (Electric Power Research Institute), "GNOCIS: An Update on the Generic NOx Control Intelligent System," EPRI NOx Controls for Utility Boilers Workshop, Cincinnati, Ohio, August 6-8, 1996.
  • C.L. Larrimore, J.N. Sorge, and K.D. Bunch (Southern Company Services), "Demonstration of On-Line Carbon-in-Ash Measurement Technologies," U.S. DOE Second Conference on Unburned Carbonaceous Material, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, March 5-6, 1996.
  • J.N. Sorge (Southern Company Services, Inc.), B. Mensies (Radian Corporation), S.M. Smouse (DOE-Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center), and J.W. Stallings (Electric Power Research Institute), "500 MW Demonstration of Advanced Wall-Fired Combustion Techniques for the Reduction of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions from Coal-Fired Boilers," Fourth Annual Clean Coal Technology Conference: The Global Opportunity, Denver, Colorado, September 1995. U.S. Department of Energy report CONF-9509170.
  • C.L. Larrimore and J.N. Sorge (Southern Company Services), "Strategy for Addressing Effects of Higher Carbon Levels in Fly Ash," U.S. DOE Conference on Unburned Carbonaceous Material on Utility Fly Ash, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, February 28-March 1, 1995.
  • J.N. Sorge (Southern Company Services) "Wall-Fired Combustion Demonstration Project-Advanced Digital Control/Optimization Phase Update," EPRI/EPA Joint Symposium on Stationary Combustion NOx Control, Kansas City, May 1995.
  • J.N. Sorge and S.M. Wilson (Southern Company Services, Inc.), "500 MW Demonstration of Advanced Wall-Fired Combustion Techniques for the Reduction of Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) Emissions from Coal-Fired Boilers." Third Annual Clean Coal Technology Conference, Chicago, Illinois, September 1994.
  • J.N. Sorge (Southern Company Services) and A.L. Baldwin (DOE-Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center), "Performance and Operating Results from the Demonstration of Advanced Combustion Techniques for Wall-Fired Boilers," Second Annual Clean Coal Technology Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, September 1993.
  • A.L. Baldwin (DOE-Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center), et al., "A Test for an Optimization Method Applied to Controlling NOx Emissions in a PC-Fired Boiler," Third International Joint ISA POWID/EPRI Controls and Instrumentation Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, June 7-9, 1993.
  • J.N. Sorge and A.L. Baldwin, "Innovative Clean Coal Technology Wall-Fired Combustion Demonstration Project," Third Annual ISA/EPRI Power Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, June 7-9, 1993.
  • J.N. Sorge, R.R. Hardman, and S.M. Wilson (Southern Company Services), "The Effects of Low NOx Combustion on Unburned Carbon Levels in Wall-Fired Boilers," EPRI/EPA Joint Symposium on Stationary NOx Control, Miami Beach, Florida, May 24-27, 1993.
  • J.N. Sorge (Southern Company Services), A.L. Baldwin (DOE-Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center), and E.J. Eskinazi (Electric Power Research Institute), "Reduction of Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) Emissions from Using Advanced Wall-Fired Combustion Techniques," International Joint Power Generation Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, October 16-22, 1992.
  • R.R. Hardman and J.N. Sorge (Southern Company Services), "Darstellung fortgeschrittener Wandund Tangentialfeuerungsvarianten ftirdieMinderung von Strickoxid-(NOx) Emissionen aus kohlebefeuerten Kesseln (Demonstration of Advanced Wall- and Tangentially-Fired Combustion Modifications for the Reduction of the Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) Emissions from Coal-Fired Boilers," VGB Power Plants with Information Show, Karlsruhe, Germany, October 13-16, 1992.
  • J.N. Sorge (Southern Company Services), W.E. Padgett (Georgia Power Company), and A.L. Baldwin (DOE-Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center), "Demonstration of Low-NOx Combustion Techniques on a 500 MW Wall-Fired Boiler," Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 12-16, 1992.
  • W.E. Padgett (Georgia Power Company), and J.N. Sorge and M.D. Nelson (Southern Company Services), "Wall-Fired Low-NOx Burner Test Results from Plant Hammond," Southeastern Electric Exchange Meeting, Amelia Island, Florida, October 14-16, 1992.
  • J.N. Sorge (Southern Company Services, Inc.) and A.L. Baldwin (DOE-Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center), "500 MW Wall-Fired Low-NOx Burner Demonstration," First Annual Clean Coal Technology Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, September 1992.
  • J.N. Sorge (Southern Company Services), "Wall-Fired Low-NOx Burner Test Results from the Innovative Clean Coal Technology Project at Georgia Power Company's Plant Hammond Unit 4," EPRI NOx Controls for Utility Boilers Conference, Cambridge, Massachusetts, July 7-9, 1992.
  • J.N. Sorge (Southern Company Services, Inc.), A.L. Baldwin, and L.L. Smith, "Advanced Wall-Fired Boiler Combustion Techniques for the Reduction of Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Emissions--Low-NOx Burner Test Phase Results," International Congress on Technology and Technology Exchange Conference, Ivry, France, May 1992.
  • R.R. Hardman and J.N. Sorge (Southern Company Services), "Reduction of Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) Emissions from Coal-Fired Boilers Using Advanced Wall- and Tangentially-Fired Combustion Techniques," American Society of Mechanical Engineers 54th Annual Meeting of the American Power Conference, Chicago, Illinois,. April 13-15, 1992.
  • J.N. Sorge, R.R. Hardman, and S.M. Wilson (Southern Company Services), "Demonstration of Advanced Wall- and Tangentially-Fired Combustion Modifications for the Reduction of the Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) Emissions from Coal-Fired Boilers." Joint AFRC/JFRC International Conference on Environmental Control of Combustion Processes. Honolulu, Hawaii, October 7-10, 1991.
  • J.N. Sorge and S.M. Wilson (Southern Company Services), A.L. Baldwin (DOE-Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center), and D. Eskinazi (Electric Power Research Institute), "Demonstration of Advanced Wall-Fired Combustion Modifications for the Reduction of the Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) Emissions from Coal-Fired Boilers," International Joint Power Generation Conference, San Diego, California, October 6-10, 1991.
  • J.N. Sorge and S.M. Wilson (Southern Company Services), and W.E. Padgett (Georgia Power Company), "Advanced Wall-Fired Combustion Techniques for the Reduction of the Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) Emissions from Coal-Fired Boilers." Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 14-18, 1991.
  • J.N. Sorge and S.M. Wilson (Southern Company Services), and L.L. Smith and L. Larsen (Energy Technology Consultants), "Demonstration of Advanced Wall-Fired Combustion Techniques for the Reduction of the Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) Emissions from Coal-Fired Boilers," Air and Waste Management Association Meeting and Exhibition, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, June 1991.
  • S.M. Wilson and R.R. Hardeman (Southern Company Services), and G. Elia and A.L. Baldwin (DOE-Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center), and D. Eskinazi (Electric Power Research Institute), "Demonstration of Advanced Combustion Techniques for the Reduction of Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) Emissions from Wall-Fired and Tangentially-Fired Boilers," ASME International Joint Power Generation Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, October 20-25, 1990.
  • S.M. Wilson and J.N. Sorge (Southern Company Services), and L.L. Smith and L. Larsen (Energy Technology Consultants), "Demonstration of Low-NOx Combustion Control Technologies on a 500 MWe Coal-Fired Boiler," EPRI/EPA NOx Control Conference, Washington, DC, March 1991.