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Environmental Control Technologies - NOx Control Technologies

180-MWe Demonstration of Advanced Tangentially-Fired Combustion Techniques for the Reduction of NOx Emissions from Coal-Fired BoilersProject Brief [PDF-280KB]
Southern Company Services, Inc., Lynn Haven, FL



  • E.B. Dismukes (Southern Research Institute), et al., "Measurement of Air Toxic Emissions from a Coal-Fired Boiler Equipped with a Tangentially Fired Low-NOx Combustion System," Second Annual Clean Coal Technology Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, September 1993. U.S. Department of Energy report CONF-9309152.
  • R.R. Hardman (Southern Company Services), L.L. Smith, (Energy Technology Consultants), and S. Tavoulareas (Decision Focus), "Results from the ICCT T-Fired Demonstration Project Including the Effects of Coal Fineness on NOx Emissions and Unburned Carbon Levels," EPRI/EPA 1993 Joint Symposium on Stationary Combustion NOx Control, Miami Beach, Florida, May 24-27, 1993.
  • R.R. Hardman (Southern Company Services), et al., "Long-Term Data Analysis from the Tangentially-Fired Low-NOx Combustion System Demonstration Project at Gulf Power Company's Plant Lansing Smith," 1992 International Joint Power Generation Conference and Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia, October 18-20, 1992.
  • R.R. Hardman (Southern Company Services), L.L. Smith (Energy Technology Consultants), and J.D. McDonald, "Demonstration of Low NOx Combustion Techniques on a 180-MW Tangentially-Fired Boiler," Ninth Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 12-16, 1992.
  • R.R. Hardman and J.N. Sorge (Southern Company Services) "Darstellung fortgeschrittener Wandund Tangentialfeuerungsvarianten ftir die Minderung von Stickoxid-(NOx ) Emissionen aus kohlebefeuerten Kessein (Demonstration of Advanced Wall- and Tangentially-Fired Combustion Modifications for the Reduction of Nitrogen Oxide (NOx ) Emissions from Coal-Fired Boilers," 1992 VGB Power Plants with Information Show, Karlsruhe, Germany, October 13-16, 1992.
  • R.R. Hardman (Southern Company Services, Inc.), "180-MWe Tangentially-Fired Low NOx Burner Demonstration," First Annual Clean Coal Technology Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, September 1992.
  • R.R. Hardman (Southern Company Services), "Tangentially-Fired Low-NOx Combustion System Test Results at Gulf Power Company's Plant Lansing Smith Unit 2," Electric Power Research Institute Workshop on NOx Controls for Utility Boilers, Boston, Massachusetts, July 7-9, 1992.
  • R.R. Hardman (Southern Company Services), L.L. Smith (Energy Consultants), and G.G. Elia (DOE-Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center), "Advanced Tangentially-Fired Combustion Techniques for the Reduction of Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) from Coal-Fired Boilers," International Congress on Technology and Technology Exchange, Paris, France, May 13-15, 1992.
  • R.R. Hardman and J.N. Sorge (Southern Company Services), "Reduction of Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) Emissions From Coal-Fired Boilers Using Advanced Wall- and Tangentially-Fired Combustion Techniques," Proceedings of the American Power Conference, April 1992.
  • R.R. Hardman, S.M. Wilson (Southern Company Services), and J.D. McDonald, "Advanced Tangentially-Fired Combustion Techniques for the Reduction of Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) Emissions from Coal-Fired Boilers," Eighth Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 14-18, 1991.
  • J.N. Sorge, R.R. Hardman, and S.M. Wilson (Southern Company Services), "Demonstration of Advanced Wall- and Tangentially-Fired Combustion Modifications for the Reduction of Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) Emissions from Coal-Fired Boilers," Joint American Flame Research Council/Japanese Flame Research Council International Conference on Environmental Control of Combustion Processes, Honolulu, Hawaii, October 7-10, 1991.
  • R.R. Hardman, S.M. Wilson (Southern Company Services), G.G. Elia (DOE-Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center), and D. Eskinazi (Electric Power Research Institute), "Demonstration of Advanced Tangentially-Fired Combustion Modifications for the Reduction of Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) Emissions from Coal-Fired Boilers," ASME/IEEE International Joint Power Generation Conference and Exhibition, San Diego, California, October 6-10, 1991.
  • R.R. Hardman and S.M. Wilson (Southern Company Services, Inc.), and L. Smith and L. Larsen (Energy Technology Consultants), "Demonstration of Advanced Tangentially-Fired Combustion Techniques for the Reduction of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions from Coal-Fired Boilers," Air and Waste Management Association Meeting and Exhibition, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, June 1991.
  • S.M. Wilson, R.R. Hardman (Southern Company Services), G.G. Elia, A. Baldwin (DOE-Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center), and D. Eskinazi (Electric Power Research Institute), "Demonstration of Advanced Combustion Techniques for the Reduction of Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) Emissions from Wall-Fired and Tangentially-Fired Boilers," ASME International Joint Power Generation Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, October 1990.