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Clean Coal Demonstrations
Environmental Control Technologies - Combined SO2 /NOx Control Technologies

Milliken Clean Coal Technology Demonstration Project - Project Brief [PDF-342KB]
New York State Electric & Gas Corporation, Lansing, NY



  • J. Harvilla, S. Burns, W. Savichky, M. Mahlsmeister (NY State Electric & Gas Corp.), et al., "Milliken Clean Coal Technology Demonstration Project," Sixth Clean Coal Technology Conference, Reno, Nevada, May 1998. U.S. Department of Energy report CONF-980410--VOL II.
  • M.E. Mahlmeister and E.S. Barons (NYSE&G) and J.U. Watts (PETC), "Design Scrubber for Maintenance," [PDF-105KB] EPRI Fossil Plant Maintenance Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, July 1996.
  • J. Harville and M.E. Mahlmeister (NYSE&G), T. Buchanan and C.E. Jackson (Parsons Power), and J.U. Watts, "Construction and Startup Experience for the Milliken FGD Retrofit Project," [PDF-1.9MB] American Power Conference, April 1996.
  • Joseph T. Maskew, Duane C. McCoy, (CONSOL Inc., R&D),Burton L. Marker (NYSEG), and James U. Watts (DOE, FETC),"Evaluation of Air Heater Performance and the Accuracy of the Results", [PDF-814KB] September, 1995.
  • E.S. Baron, III, and G. Gauffilet (New York State Electric & Gas Corporation) and C.E. Jackson (Gilbert/Commonwealth, Inc.), "Milliken Station Demonstration Project FGD Retrofit Update--1995," Fourth Annual Clean Coal Technology Conference: The Global Opportunity, Denver, Colorado, September 1995. U.S. Department of Energy report CONF-9509170.
  • R.K. Simonetti (Gilbert/Commonwealth, Inc.) and D.T. O'Dea, "Innovative FGD Structures," Proceedings of the American Power Conference, Volume 57-H, pp. 853-858 (April 1995). U.S. Department of Energy report CONF-950414-2.
  • R.C. Alder, et al., "Milliken Station Demonstration Project FGD Retrofit Update," Proceedings of the US-Korea Electric Generation Seminar Mission, Volume 2, Seoul, Republic of Korea, October 1994.
  • C.E. Jackson (Gilbert/Commonwealth, Inc.), et al., "Milliken Station Demonstration Project FGD Retrofit Update," Third Annual Clean Coal Technology Conference, Chicago, Illinois, September 1994.
  • B. von der Heide and C. Heiermann (Nalco Fuel Tech), "NOx Out--A Reliable and Economical SNCR Process for Power Plants," Proceedings of Power-Gen Europe: Where the Industry Connects (Book II, Volume 5), Cologne, Germany, May 1994.
  • C.M. Ellis and W.J. Savichky (New York State Electric & Gas Corporation) and G.G. Elia (Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center, U.S. Department of Energy), "The Milliken Station Clean Coal Demonstration Project: There's More to It than Concrete and Steel," Second Annual Clean Coal Technology Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, September 1993. U.S. Department of Energy report CONF-9309152.
  • D.T. O'Dea (New York State Electric & Gas Corporation), R.M. Statnick (CONSOL, Inc.), J. Glamser (S-H-U/NaTec), J.E. Hofman (Nalco Fuel Tech), C.E. Jackson (Gilbert Commonwealth), and R.E. Aliasso (Stebbins Engineering and Manufacturing Company), "Overview of the Milliken Station Clean Coal Demonstration Project," Proceedings of the Ninth Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference: Coal-Energy and the Environment, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 1992.
  • M.E. Mahimeister, R.M. Statnick, J. Glamser, C.E. Jackson, J.E. Hoffman, R.L. X'Aliasso, G.G. Elia, "Overview Of The Milliken Station Clean Coal Demonstration Project," First Annual Clean Coal Technology Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, September 1992. U.S. Department of Energy report CONF-920979.
  • R.J. Keith, et al., "Economic Evaluation of FGD Systems,"  EPRI GS 7193, Volumes 1 and 2 (1991). EPRI Publications.
  • M.R. Stouffer, D.C. McCoy, F.W. Theodore, and H. Yoon, New York State Electric & Gas Gypsum Demonstration Project: Results Of High Sulfur Test Center Pilot Testing, Report to NYSEG, No. L-17625 (November 1992).
  • B.L. Marker and E.G. Beckman, "ESP Modifications at NYSEGs Milliken Station Units 1 and 2," Joint ASME/IEEE Power Generation Conference, Kansas City, Kansas, October 17, 1993.
  • W.N.Beyer, E.E. Connor, and S. Gerould, "Estimates of Soil Ingestion by Wildlife"  Journal of Wildlife Management 58:375-382 (1994).
  • D.T. O'Dea, C.F. Jackson, G.G. Elia, "Milliken Station Demonstration Project FGD Retrofit Update," Third Annual Clean Coal Technology Conference, Chicago, Illinois, September 1994.
  • E.S. Rubin, J.R. Kalapanam, and M.B. Berkenpas, "New Models for FGD Performance, Cost and Hazardous Air Pollutant Removal," Proceedings of the 1995 EPRI/DOE/EPA SO2 Control Symposium (Book 2, Session 4B), Miami Beach, Florida, March 1995.
  • J.A. Withum, Letter to D.T. O'Dea, "NYSLG. Re: Detailed Test Plan for the 1.6% Sulfur Test of the SHU Scrubber at the NYSEG Milliken Station," CO/NYSEG FGD 284 (June 15, 1995).
  • M.S. DeVito, R.L. Oda, and B.L. Marker, Milliken Clean Coal Technology Demonstration Project, Unit 2 Electrostatic Precipitator Upgrade Performance Testing,  Interim Report to NYSEG (November 1995).
  • B.E. Sample, D.M. Opresko, and G.W. Suter, "Toxicological Benchmarks For Wildlife: 1996 Revision" Oak Ridge National Laboratory report ES/ER/TM-86/R3 (1996).
  • J.A. Withum, Letter to W J. Savichky, "NYSEG. Re: Final Detailed Test Plan for Design Sulfur Test of the S-H-U Scrubber at NYSEG's Milliken Station," CO/NYSEG FGD 342 (May 10, 1996).
  • D. Kenien, et al., "Total Optimization Process Advisor (TOPAZ): Improving Emissions Performance Through Optimization,"  Paper presented to Pennsylvania Electric Association, September 1996.
  • K. Janati, "Program Results from a Comprehensive Assessment of Chemical Emissions from New York State Electric & Gas Corporation's Milliken Station Unit 2, Lansing, New York," Final Report (1997). Prepared by Carnot.
  • W.J. Savichky, D.T. O'Dea, J.U. Wafts, "Anatomy of an Upgraded Pulverized Coal Facility: Combustion Modification Through Flue Gas Scrubbing," Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Clean Coal Technology Conference, Tampa, Florida, January 1997.
  • D. Mitchell, et al., "Ecological Risk Assessment for the NYSEG Milliken Station," Final Draft Report to NYSEG (1998).
  • C. Seigneur, K. Lohman, S. Brown and E. Constantinous, "Multimedia Health Risk Assessment of the NYSEG Milliken Station," Draft Report to NYSEG (1998).