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Clean Coal Demonstrations
Environmental Control Technologies - Combined SO2 / NOx Control Technologies

Enhancing the Use of Coals by Gas Reburning and Sorbent Injection - Project Brief [PDF-328KB]
Energy and Environmental Research Inc., Springfield/Hennepin, IL



  • T.M. Sommer (Energy and Environmental Research Corporation), "Demonstration of Gas Reburning-Sorbent Injection Technology for NOx/SO2 Emission Control," Fourth Annual Clean Coal Technology Conference: The Global Opportunity, Denver, Colorado, September 1995.
  • R.T. Keen (Energy and Environmental Research Corporation), et al., "Demonstration of Gas Reburning-Sorbent Injection on a Cyclone-Fired Boiler," Third Annual Clean Coal Technology Conference, Chicago, Illinois, September 1994.
  • T.J. May, E.G. Rindahl, T. Booker, H.J. Ritz, and J.M. Pratapas, "Gas Reburning in Tangentially-, Wall- and Cyclone-Fired Boilers, An Introduction to Second-Generation Gas Reburning," Third Annual Clean Coal Technology Conference, Chicago, Illinois, September 1994.
  • B.A. Folsom (Energy and Environmental Research Corporation), et al., "Gas Reburning and Integrated NOx and SO2 Control: Ready for Commercial Installations," 207th American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, California, March 1994.
  • B.A. Folsom and T.M. Sommer (Energy and Environmental Research Corporation), "Gas Reburning and Integrated Technologies for SO2 and NOx Control," Conference on Comparative Economies of Emerging Clean Coal Technologies, Washington, DC, February 1994.
  • A. Sanyal (Energy and Environmental Research Corporation), "Advanced NOx Control Technologies,"  Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference and Exhibition for the Power Generating Industries (Book II, Volume IV), Dallas, Texas, November 1993.
  • J.C. Opatrny (Energy and Environmental Research Corporation), et al., "Enhancing the Use of Coal by Gas Reburning and Sorbent Injection," Second Annual Clean Coal Technology Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, September 1993.
  • R.A. Ashworth, et al., "Flue Gas Humidification for ESP Performance Enhancement," lnternational Joint Power Generation Conference and Exhibition, Kansas City, Missouri, October 17-20, 1993.
  • A. Sanyal, T. Sommer, C.C. Hong, B.A. Folsom, and R. Payne, "Low-NOx Burners and Gas Reburning -- An Integrated Advanced NOx Reduction Technology," Symposium on Combustion and Emissions Control, University of Wales, Colleges of Cardiff, United Kingdom, September 21-22, 1993.
  • B. Folsom, C. Hong, T. Sommer, and J.M. Pratapas, "Reducing Stack Emissions by Gas Firing in Coal-Designed Boilers -- Field Evaluation Results." EPRI/EPA Joint Symposium on Stationary Combustion NOx Control, Miami Beach, Florida, May 24-27, 1993.
  • D.A. Englehardt, H.V. Rooney, R. Payne (Energy and Environmental Research Corporation), and H.J. Ritz (U.S. Department of Energy), "Gas Reburning-Sorbent Injection for Acid Rain Precursor Emission Control, System Design/Construction/Operating Constraints," International Joint Power Generation Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, October 1992.
  • L.C. Angello, D.A. Engelhardt, B.A. Folsom, J.C. Opatmy, T.M. Sommer (Energy and Environmental Research Corporation), and H.J. Ritz (Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center), "Gas Reburning-Sorbent Injection Demonstration Results," First Annual Clean Coal Technology Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, September 1992.
  • B.A. Folsom (Energy and Environmental Research Corporation), et al., "Demonstration of Combined NOx and SO2 Emission Control Technologies Involving Gas Reburning," AFRC-JFRC International Conference -- Environmental Control of Combustion Processes, Honolulu, Hawaii, October 1991.
  • J.D. Opatrny (Energy and Environmental Research Corporation), et al., "Operating Experience with a Gas Reburning-Sorbent Injection System for Acid Rain Precursor Emission Control for Utility Boilers," ASME International Joint Power Generation Conference, San Diego, California, October 1991.
  • W. Bartok, B.A. Folsom, R. Payne, and K.T. Wu (Energy and Environmental Research Corporation), "Gas Reburning-Sorbent Injection-Design Modeling of a Nitrogen Oxide-Sulphur Dioxide Emission Control Process" Journal of Environmental Science and Health A26:1267-1286 (1991).
  • K.T. Wu (Energy and Environmental Research Corporation), et al., "Development and Application of a Gas Reburning Process Model for the Design of Boiler NOx Reductions," 1991 International Joint Power Generation Conference, San Diego, California, October 1991.
  • W. Bartok (Energy and Environmental Research Corporation), T.J. May and M.S. Krueger (Illinois Power Company), et al., "Application of Gas Reburning-Sorbent Injection Technology for Control of NOx and SO2 Emissions," EPRl-EPA Joint Symposium on Stationary Combustion NOx Control, March 1991.
  • W. Bartok, et al., "Field Evaluation of Combined NOx/SO2 Control via Gas Reburning-Sorbent Injection for Coal Fired Utility Boilers," Fourth Symposium on Integrated Environmental Control, Washington, DC, March 1988.