Congressman André Carson
Congresswoman Julia Carson
Congresswoman Andre Carson

November 17, 2008


Contact: Micah Ragland - 202.226.6439 or 202.302.2877


Carson: Stimulus Package Should Include Increased Funding for Food Assistance Programs and Hunger Relief Initiatives

Washington, D.C. – “With our country experiencing its worst economic crisis since the Great Depression and with food prices rising at astonishingly high rates, many working Americans are struggling to put food on their tables and make ends meet. 

“In these tough economic times it is important that the Congress work in a bipartisan fashion to pass a comprehensive stimulus package that includes provisions that help needy children and working families meet their basic nutritional needs.  That is why it is absolutely imperative that the Congress pass an economic stimulus package that substantially increases funding for food assistance programs and other hunger relief initiatives that target the working poor and unemployed. 

“Combating hunger is a humanitarian issue, not a partisan issue.  Therefore, it is important that Congressional Democrats and Republicans cooperatively work in a bipartisan and bicameral fashion to address our nation’s hunger crisis by providing additional aid to the working poor and those displaced workers in urgent need of immediate assistance.”

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Congressman Andre Carson
Congressman Andre Carson