Congressman André Carson
Congresswoman Julia Carson
Congresswoman Andre Carson

April 22, 2008


Contact: Micah Ragland - 202.226.6439 or 202.302.2877



WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Andre Carson today released the following statement on Earth Day:

"Earth Day allows us as Americans and inhabitants of this beautiful planet to stand united in our fight against the perils of global warming, greenhouse gas emissions, and pollution.  In order to secure a clean and pristine environment for future generations, it is incumbent upon all Americans and industries to do their part as it pertains to recycling, conserving energy, and using eco-friendly products.

“Strong scientific evidence indicates that air pollutants, toxic waste, and other contaminants are threatening the purity of our oceans, forests, and atmosphere.  That’s why this New Direction Congress is committed to doing its part to combat initiatives that seek to loosen environmental standards and allow polluters to do further damage to our ozone. 

“By protecting and preserving our planet, we are safeguarding our eco-systems and natural resources far into the future.  The health, safety, and well-being of the world’s population are dependant on all of us doing our part both individually and collectively to protect our planet from pollutants.” 


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Congressman Andre Carson
Congressman Andre Carson