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MAR Planning Award Winners

The National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM), Middle Atlantic Region (MAR), is pleased to announce the following two winners for the MAR Planning Awards.

The purpose of the Planning Awards program is to plan or determine the feasibility for future library improvement and outreach projects. Library improvement includes strengthening the technological capabilities of libraries to respond to changes in the health information environment and to users’ needs, the ability of libraries to share resources, share and build on best practices, identify emerging opportunities and threats to libraries and develop a plan to address them. Outreach includes reaching out to communities that a library does not usually serve, or expand services to communities that are underserved and offering training, document delivery partnerships, collaborative programming and reference and research support. Planning is the foundation for success of any project.

Planning Award recipients:

1. Kathleen M. Miller

Rochester Regional Library Council, Fairport, NY

Project: Getting the (Healthy) Word Out: A Train-the-Trainer Approach for Nurses

2. Andrea Markinson

Medical Research Library, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY

Planning Grant for the “Learn More. Live Healthy!” Consumer Health Project

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