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Educational Clearinghouse Database: Browse

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PubMed®  |  Entrez  |  Loansome Doc  |  MEDLINEplus  |  LOCATORplus  |  Gateway  |  |  TOXNET®  |  DOCLINE  |  MeSH  |  Other NLM  |  Non NLM  |  Consumer Health  |  Public Health  |  Health Services Research  |  Internet/World Wide Web  |  Other

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By Audience

Information Professionals  |  Health Professionals  |  Public

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Format: Class

Introduction to Molecular Biology Information Resources
This is a recording of the three-day course designed for staff who have little or no experience with molecular biology databases and search systems, and who handle occasional question about molecular biology information resources.

Manual Used in Training on Toxicology & Environmental Health Web Resources
Training materials used in the one-day training module for the NLM Chemical/Toxicology databases. These workbooks are available for downloading in Adobe Acrobat PDF, and Microsoft PowerPoint See "TOXNET On the Web" for class information.

NLM Training: The NLM Gateway and
This half day class is designed to teach individuals the NLM Gateway and This course has been approved for 3.5 Medical Library Association Continuing Education credits. To register online go to /request.html

TOXNET on the Web
One day class offered by the National Training Center & Clearinghouse to convey the basics of searching the TOXNET system, a collection of web-based databases in the areas of toxicology, environmental health and related subjects. This class is offered at various sites throughout the United States. This is a free class but you must register ( 7 Medical Library Association Continuing Education Credits.

ABCs of DNA: Unraveling the Mystery of Genetics Information for Consumers
Consumers need access to information and resources about genetic information in a manner that is understandable. Librarians working with the public need to be aware of the issues surrounding genetics and resources to assist patrons in locating and evaluating sometimes complex and confusing information. This class explores basic concepts such as genes and chromosomes and offers an overview of genetic disorders, genetic testing, genetic counseling, and the Human Genome Project. Ethical and legal issues associated with genetic disorders will be covered with regard to privacy, discrimination, and potential legislative impact on medicine and society. A variety of reliable health information resources will be demonstrated, including, but not limited to: Genetics Home Reference,, CHID (Combined Health Information Database), NORD (National Organization for Rare Disorders), and MedlinePlus. This 4-hour hands-on class is intended for consumers, public librarians, and health sciences librarians who work with the public.

African American Community Health
African American communities see diseases like cancer, diabetes, and heart disease affecting their friends and families every day. Free online resources from the National Library of Medicine and other reliable sources are available to help. This two hour class will provides participants with some basic health information as well as information specific to the African American community. The class is available hands-on or as an interactive presentation. 2 hours.

¿No Comprende? Spanish Health Information Resources for English Speaking Librarians class description
This page describes the class including an abstract, objectives, course materials, MLA CE, and who teaches it. This 4-hour hands-on class will cover resources for learning basic, library, medical, and Internet Spanish vocabulary. You will also learn to evaluate and identify health websites in Spanish to which you can direct your patrons.

Beyond an Apple a Day: Providing Consumer Health Information at Your Library
Want to improve your consumer health collection and services? Interested in improving your reference skills for providing health information for the public? Then this class is for you. Starting with a discussion about the information seeking behaviors of consumers, the class focuses on the provision of consumer health information services for the public. We will also cover health literacy, planning the service, the reference interview, consumer health online, collection development, collaboration, community partnerships, outreach and marketing. Students will also learn about how to stay up to date on consumer health librarianship.

Can You Hear Me Now? How to Make a Podcast

Caring for the Mind: Providing Reference Services for Mental Health Information
Responding to mental health reference questions is challenging for even the most experienced librarian. In "Caring for the Mind", participants will learn how to effectively provide reference services for mental health information for the public. Participants will learn the best web sites, databases and collection development materials to respond to mental health related questions. Best approaches to handling challenging reference interviews will be explored. This class will increase your knowledge of consumer level mental health resources.

Combatting Information Fatigue: Health Information Resources for Veterans
This course covers resources for finding information on general health conditions, mental health resources including those for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), family issues, substance abuse, amputations, support groups and more. Additionally, this class will prepare participants to find and assess other veterans’ health resources.

Finding Native Health Info Online
Whether you are a community health care worker, a librarian, or just want to be informed, this hands-on class will show you the best places to find Native health information on the Internet. You will learn how to search for and acquire journal articles to find the latest research being done on conditions affecting Native populations. You will also find out where to get reliable consumer level information on such topics as traditional healing, environmental health, urban Indian health, tribal and U.S. government health resources, and other general Native health topics. The hands-on class is 2 hours.

From Snake Oil to Penicillin: Evaluating Consumer Health Information on the Internet
Course Description: Distance Learning Course This interactive course will introduce participants to issues surrounding the quality of health information resources on the internet. Participants will be provided with a set of recommended criteria to be used to evaluate health information websites. Objectives: *Become familiar with unique issues surrounding health information on the internet. *Understand the nature of web-based resources and why people post information to the internet. *Evaluate health information web sites using a set of criteria provided so that you can determine whether or not the sites are trustworthy sources of health information. This is an online, asynchronous, instructor-led class using Moodle. Class size is limited, registration is on a first-come, first-served basis.

Geeks Bearing Gifts: unwrapping new technology trends
This class is intended to provide a fun, fast-paced, and informative introduction to and update on today's hottest technology trends. Program participants will be able to identify technology trends and they will understand how these trends will impact or can be integrated into traditional library services. Content will be presented in with a "can-do" focus intended to encourage participants to investigate at least one technology for implementation in their institution. Course structure will include brief vignettes and demonstrations of a wide variety of technologies. Some of the topics to be covered include instant messaging, podcasting, open source software, spyware and other malware, developments in mobile computing, blogs and wikis, radio-frequency identification, and more. The hands-on class is 4 MLA CE hours.

Getting Started with Information Outreach in Minority Communities
This interactive class will provide a background in cultural competence and outreach skills to assist you as you make outreach efforts to underserved and minority populations in your community.

Getting Started with LinkOut
This site contains information and materials for a 2-hour class, 4 hour class with hands-on designed to provide step-by-step direction on how to activate LinkOut for a library's print and electronic journal collections, so that users are able to view holdings and access full-text through the PubMed interface. The class is also availabe as an 3-hour (2.5 hour sessions with homework between sessions)ONLINE Class. Topics covered are registration for LinkOut, entering holdings, displaying a library's icon for branding purposes, and access to free full-text through LinkOut.

Getting the Best Out of DOCLINE
Attendees will learns how to use the features of DOCLINE effectively. Additional topics include DOCLINE upgrades, reports, Loansome Doc and EFTS. Awarded 3.0 hours of MLA CE credit

Grant Writing
Learn basic tips and techniques for writing and organizing your grant proposal. This workshop will focus on the components of successful grant proposals and offer an opportunity for participants to compose sample objectives, methodologies, and evaluation strategies. (Ruth Holst is the author and instructor of this workshop.)

Grants and Proposal Writing
Designed for beginning grant proposal writers, this class presents a general overview of the grant and funding processes as well as the level of detail required in a successful proposal. Each component of the grant writing process will be addressed, including: documenting the need; identifying the target population; writing measurable objectives; developing a work plan, an evaluation plan and dissemination plan.

Health Information for Kids and Teens and Seniors, Oh My!
Whether it's reading a funny story about germs and hand washing to preschoolers or helping a senior citizen learn about an upcoming surgery, providing health information is a common and very important task for librarians. Much attention is given to topics such as best practices for the health reference interview, cultural sensitivity and health literacy. But what are best practices for serving users in different age groups? How do the needs of a teenager differ from a senior citizen? What are some ways to engage users through fun and interactive programs, regardless of age? This webinar will explore the health information needs and information seeking behaviors of kids, teens, boomers and seniors. You will discover some new resources and some tricks in getting to fantastic resources for different age groups using MedlinePlus. We will present resources for fun, interactive, quality health programming for all ages and also discuss strategies for partnering with a variety of organizations and schools in your community. Keep your users informed about their health, and have some fun along the way!

Keeping Up with PubMed
With a hands-on approach, this class will show attendees how to use the features of PubMed effectively. Attendees will be able to describe the contents of PubMed; formulate basic search strategies; display, print, and save results in various formats; revise and refine searches; and use special features such as Related Articles, Link to journals, Citation Matcher, and Clinical Queries. The instructor will demonstrate online searches and students, at computers connected to the Internet, will be invited to follow along. Time for individual practice will be provided. 4 MLA CEUs

Looking in all the Wrong Places: PubMed for Public Librarians
This class covers basic searching; easy techniques for developing complex search strategies; PubMed's special features, such as Limits and the Clipboard; the Journals Database; the Single Citation Matcher; and MyNCBI. It also covers how to obtain full-text copies of articles.(3 MLA CE)

Making PubMed Work for You
This 2.5 or 3.5 hour class for librarians is intended to hone basic searching techniques and the ability to develop search strategies that will take advantage of the PubMed interface to MEDLINE. The course will explore various methods for searching the PubMed system. Topics covered include Automatic Term Mapping, Search Results, Features Bar, Related Articles, My NCBI, Searching with MESH, Journal Database, and Single Citation Matcher. This course will provide an overview of the system and demonstrate utilizing the features of PubMed to search effectively. The 3.5-hour version of the course provides the attendees with hands-on opportunities to practice their search techniques. This course has been approved for 2.5 or 3.5 hours of Medical Library Association Continuing Education credits.

Managing Electronic Resources in Health Science Libraries
This is a four-hour continuing education course intended for health science librarians. It is designed to introduce attendees to the technologies required to provide electronic resources in a health science library. Attendees will become familiar with basic electronic resources and their corresponding technologies, identify advanced technologies and future trends in health science libraries, and discuss planning for electronic resource provision. Also, attendees will learn methods for troubleshooting and resolving electronic resource problems and identify resources for learning more about electronic health information resources.

Measuring Your Impact: Using Evaluation to Demonstrate Value
Library users and stakeholders will recognize and value the importance of their library's services and of the librarian to the organization. That is the ultimate goal of this six-hour workshop. The outcome for the class is that librarians will be able to show the value of their library's services. Participants will become familiar with an evaluation process and will use and take away methods and tools for assessment, evaluation planning, creating logic models, data collection, data analysis and reporting. The workshop will feature group exercises that move participants through the steps of an evaluation process. There will also be student discussion and exercises in addition to lecture.

NLM's Consumer Health Databases
the National Library of Medicine has produced a number of databases designed for the general public. These databases range from health information to environmental conditions that impact health. This 4 hour hands-on course is designed to be an overview of these databases. These databases can also be taught as a single class, individual modules, or combined for specific needs.

Patient Safety Resource Seminar: Librarians on the Front Lines
This interactive seminar focuses on ways both public and medical librarians can become more involved in patient safety processes and activities - both within their institutions and organizations and in providing patient safety resources for health professionals, for administration and staff, and for patients and families. Topics include understanding the definitions and issues of patient safety; locating where patient safety practices and contacts exist within an institution; identifying appropriate resources; and library advocacy in the area of patient safety. These four hours of lecture, discussion and brainstorming help librarians in all fields become effective agents for improving patient safety.

Prescription for Success: Consumer Health Information on the Internet
This hands-on introductory class to consumer health information will cover the information-seeking behaviors of consumers, the basics of, DIRLINE, and other reliable web pages such as those from professional medical associations and advocacy groups. It will cover sites devoted to pharmaceutical information for consumers, drug-interaction databases and herbal information.

Public Health on the Web
The field of public health encompasses a wide array of disciplines including health education, epidemiology and nursing. Digital literacy and the effective utilization of online information are among the core public health informatics competencies for the 21st century. This hands-on class will highlight web resources tailored to the public health workforce.

PubMed Expert Searching Class and Sample Manual
Expert searching includes more sophisticated use of PubMed tools such as field qualifiers, the preview/index feature, and creating links for a library web page. Greater knowledge of the Medline database and indexing vocabulary is also necessary in making expert search decisions. The class takes on a train the trainer focus to help participants translate these advanced searching techiniques to other users. The class builds upon the user's own knowledge of searching to use PubMed more effectively. (This is provided as a Microsoft Word document.)

PubMed for Experts
Designed as an advanced class for experienced MEDLINE searchers. This hands-on class will highlight advanced PubMed techniques that can be used to conduct comprehensive searches. Attendees are encouraged to contribute past and present difficult searches to discuss with the class.

Super Searcher
One half day hands-on course focusing on advanced search features of web search engines. The features of various search engines will be discussed and compared.

The Healthy Librarian: Cultivating Wellness in the Workplace
Learn simple strategies to cultivate wellness in the workplace at your library. Participants will learn skills to manage challenges of the job. This interactive session will explore practical solutions including stress management skills, ergonomics and how to incorporate more activity into your day. Resources for improving one’s health literacy including health check tools and developing resiliency for changes in the profession will be explored. Participants will leave with enhanced knowledge and practical skills for incorporating healthy habits into their daily work.

TOXNET: Toxicology and Environmental Information
This in an introductory class on the TOXNET databases for inexperienced users. Participants will learn about the different databases available on TOXNET and what type of information is available in each database.

Website Usability: Making Content Easy to Find
Usability rules the web. If a patron can't navigate your website, then he or she will not use your library to find information. The rest of the Internet is only a mouse click away. Participants in this four hour workshop will learn how to conduct usability studies without expensive consultants, how to create accessible web pages, and how to apply design simplicity to their websites. Workshop topics include integration of diverse resources, library websites as components of institutional websites, and Internet vs. intranet design.

Will Duct Tape Cure My Warts? Examining Complementary and Alternative Medicine
The goal of this class is to increase understanding of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). Students will learn the history of CAM and its impact on medical practices. They will learn how CAM is used, how to avoid bad science and how to look up evidence of the effectiveness of CAM therapies. This class is offered for 2 hours or 4 hours. Both classes will include lecture, discussion, and hands-on training.

Introduction to Public Health Resources and Online Resources Evaluation Skills
These are tools for a peer taught class that is lead by a instructor knowledgeable in the areas covered in the class (online public health resources and website evaluation). With over 17,000 online websites (Pew Internet & American Life: Online life Report with health related content the class emphasizes the importance for website evaluation. There is a evaluation of the Partners in Information Access for the Public Health Workforce website that acts as a brief overview of the resource. Learning Objectives: 1) learn how to quickly evaluate online resources (content, currency, audience, purpose, navigation, special features, type of information, evidence based/quality, etc) 2) receive an overview of by instructor 3) receive an overview of several online resources that have public health resources. 4) be exposed to presenting to the entire class and express critical thinking in a short amount of time.

NLM Training: PubMed
This full day class is designed to teach students how to use PubMed accurately and efficiently to search MEDLINE. It also includes an overview of the Medical Subject headings (MeSH) and its importance as a tool to both searchers and indexers. This is a free class. This course has been approved for 7.5 Medical Library Association Continuing Education credits. To register online go to /request.html

Partners in Information Access for Public Health Professionals
This is a joint project amongst several agencies to provide public health professionals with timely, convenient access to information resources. See Comment field for list of agencies.

Consumer Health: An Evidence Based Approach To Complementary & Alternative Medicine
This course is in no way a compilation of all of the complementary and alternative medicine resources that are available. Instead, it is an attempt to provide a look at evidence based and peer reviewed alternative medicine resources.

Easy-to-Read Health and Wellness Material for Consumers: recognizing it, finding it, writing it, rewriting it
Learn in a hands-on environment--in the large group and break-out groups, to critique, rewrite and create materials that get your health and wellness information across quickly and clearly. We'll review the disconnect between information providers and information seekers, the process of educating adults, the success of "plain language" initiatives and the importance of text, type, graphics, space and layout. In this workshop you will also be provided brochure examples, SMOG and REALM tests, a webliography and links to other training. During the workshop you will edit pieces so that at the conclusion you'll have new awareness, new skills, a new product and access to further resources. Clear health communication is the goal, regardless of medium.

Finding and Using Health Statistics
This class presents sources of statistics based on four broad areas: "health correlates, health conditions, health care and health consequences. It puts statistics, particularly government statistics, in context by providing explanations of the rationale behind data collection. The class demonstrates how to identify and find important results; assess the benefits and limitations of these results; and progress from summaries to detailed original reports. Instruction in this self-study class is reinforced by 15 exercises."

First Do No Harm: Basic Strategies for Administering Archival Materials in Health Science Libraries
This course will provide basic strategies for how library staff can arrange, protect, and make use of archival items and collections. Course instructors will discuss the physical arrangement and processing of items found within archival or manuscript collections, basic protection procedures to preserve original items, handling and administration of archival materials during reference and research use, and how to make holdings known to the broader library and archives community. This course will help improve the quality of health sciences library services. It will help librarians to acquire new knowledge and skills in health sciences librarianship; transition from one area of library practice to another; acquire a greater depth of knowledge in an area of health sciences librarianship; and improve their ability to manage health science information resources.

Maryland Health Go Local Asthma Presentation
As part of contract # NO1-LM-6-3502 we made training materials available on line. This is a powerpoint presentation on Maryland Health Go Local that highlights the resources specific to Asthma. It was used when we there was no internet access to show Maryland Health Go Local live.

Maryland Health Go Local Backup Presentation
As part of contract # NO1-LM-6-3502 we made the training materials available on line. This is a Microsoft PowerPoint to use as a backup presentation if there is no internet access.

Maryland Health Go Local Train the Trainers Session by Target Audience (Older Adults)
As part of contract # NO1-LM-6-3502 we were required to make training materials available on line. This is a guide to do a train the trainer session for older adults

Nursing on the Net: Health Care Resources You Can Use
Looking for the latest developments in patient care but finding too much, too little or inadequate information? This course is designed for librarians responsible for information services to the Nursing and Allied Health professions. Participants will learn to use and evaluate web based health information resources, find online news services, continuing online education courses, and consumer health web sites. Participants will also learn to search the National Library of Medicine's MEDLINE database of over 18 million citations using the PubMed interface. This course will also cover MedlinePlus the National Library of Medicine's web site for consumer health information. This class is available in person and via distance learning.

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