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From the Director News

EOTA Update

Welcome to the Emergency Operations Training Academy website. It has been a busy Winter/Spring and the rest of the year promises more of the same. Just to name a few of our accomplishments, we have recently supported all four of the FY07 scheduled iterations of the RAPTER courses, conducted two Exercise Builder courses, released three on-line courses, tuned-up and delivered the Senior Energy Official course, and facilitated a major Continuity of Operations table top exercise. Projects on the horizon include continued involvement in the RAPTER courses, updating of the Exercise Builder course, development of more Exercise and Continuity of Operations related projects, a return to the delivery of our Public Affairs Practicum, increased compatibility with the OLC2 training system, and of course continued development of online courses.

We will continue to provide all of the quality services you expect and will strive to improve our products and services for you, our customers. As always, please feel free to contact us directly with any questions, comments, or concerns you may have.

Thank you,

Paul Jenkins, Director
Emergency Operations Training Academy
Office of Emergency Operations, HQ NNSA, NA-40

The 2008 Continuity of Operations Awareness training is now available on the OLC2.

2008 Continuity of Operations Awareness training is available on the Online Learning Center2 (OLC2) ('https://olc2.energy.gov').

DOE Order 150.1 and Federal Continuity Directive 1 require annual Continuity of Operations (COOP) awareness training for all DOE/NNSA Federal and contractor employees. The initial requirement is for Federal employees only. Contractors will be required to take this training at a later date which will be announced.

There are three components to this training course (course material, final exam, and online survey). If you are familiar with the material presented in the course you may "test-out" of the course. To "test-out" of the course you must select the 2008 Continuity of Operations Awareness course final exam from your Learning Plan in the OLC2. To receive full credit, you must also complete the online survey located in your Learning Plan in the OLC2.

As a leader in the field of Emergency Management and Response Training, the Emergency Operations Training Academy’s Business Management System is registered as being in full compliance with the ISO 9001:2000 International Quality Standard.

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