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Day Five Part Five
Clearance for PDI - Again -
and Landing, Revs 15 and 16
Journal Home Page Day Six Part One: Lunar Observation,
Revs 23 to 27

Apollo 16

Day Five: Lunar Observation and Rest, Revs 16 to 21

Corrected Transcript and Commentary Copyright © 2006 David Woods and Tim Brandt. All rights reserved.

Start of Chapter


Start of Rev 17 105:42
Acquisition of Signal 105:53
TEI-26 Pad 106:11
Loss of Signal 107:02
Start of Rev 18 107:41
Acquisition of Signal 107:52
Loss of Signal and End of Day Five 110:01
End of Chapter 115_32

[As this chapter starts, Ken Mattingly in Casper has just had Loss of Signal with Mission Control on Rev 16. We have only the CM transcript which does not start until 105:18 and continues until AOS at 105:53 ]

Public Affairs Officer: We've had loss of signal from the Command Module, Casper, as it went behind the Moon. During that front-side pass, the Command Module Pilot Ken Mattingly was passed some flight plan updates for the Orbital Science Phase on the Mission. Orion, meanwhile, at Descartes landing site, is going through the post-landing checklist, all the power-down procedures to conserve electrical power, and we're still up and live at 105:06.

[CM transcript starts at 105:18:46 until 107:53:34]

105 18 46 Mattingly (CM onboard): Okay, mapping camera I just did.

105 22 15 Mattingly (CM onboard): (Yawn)

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control at 105 hours, 28 minutes. We're about 22 minutes away from re-acquiring Module Casper. The Lunar Module on the surface is in a stable configuration, [and] everything looks good at this time. We're presently ready to begin the change of shift news briefing in the main auditorium at the Manned Spacecraft Center, Building 1. We'll switch to that at this time.

105 28 03 Mattingly (CM onboard): Okay, the Laser is On. The camera is extended, and the cover is open.

105 29 04 Mattingly (CM onboard): Okay, coming up on 29:57 for a Pan Camera Operate.

[Rev 17 begins at 105 42]

105 46 31 Mattingly (CM onboard): Mm-mm!

105 48 14 Mattingly (CM onboard): Okay, if you're listening, tape recorder, we're passing over King now. And - something I hadn't noticed before kind of unusual out here. There's a lot of clumpy material all around King. The central peaks definitely have big blocks sticking up in them. The things that we've called dark material are not dark, but rather they are big blocks that cast some pretty long shadows. They look like they're piled on top of some very soft and unconsolidated material. But they are indeed big blocks on the central peaks. And - I'll also say that they're on - surprisingly, they're mostly on the eastern side, but there are some on the western side. The floor of the crater looks like a big, big flow - lots of flow bands and things. In the crater rim to the west, it looks like there's a definite textural change at the top; and it looks like it has a dark band and then a light band, then it goes back to the same old dark gray. This entire area has a large amount of light material around it. It is not entirely associated with - with the - the crater King. It looks like there's an area in - We've even come into some new swirls I didn't know had existed, but I think they do. And I got a picture to take here. Well, I'll get a picture of them next time around. Let's look for a topographic expression.

105 50 51 Mattingly (CM onboard): Where'd you go, you sucker? (Sigh) What'd that color wheel say I should have here? Let's see, 1/250- f/8.

[Acquisition of Signal. The CapCom is Henry Hartsfield.]

105 53 13 Mattingly: Hello, Houston. Casper.

105 53 18 Hartsfield: Casper, Houston. How do you read?

105 53 22 Mattingly: Loud and clear.

105 53 40 Hartsfield: Casper, Houston. We need barber pole plus three on the camera.

105 53 44 Mattingly: Henry, I'm gonna - Okay, barber pole plus three.

105 53 58 Mattingly: You have it. And would you remind me when you get about 30 seconds from Pan Camera to Stop.

105 52 05 Hartsfield: Will do.

105 54 10 Mattingly: Okay.

101 54 20 Mattingly: I want to mark something on my chart, and then I'll talk to you for just a minute.

101 54 25 Hartsfield: Roger.

101 54 53 Mattingly: Okay. And I put Battery A on Charge at 105:35.

101 55 04 Hartsfield: Roger. Copy.

101 55 31 Mattingly: I've got you out the window now; but it looks like half of you have gone away. It's all black.

101 55 42 Hartsfield: I hope we're in the sunny half.

101 55 48 Mattingly: Oh, I bet you're in the dark half. Aren't you? That shows how long it's been since you've been outside.

101 55 56 Hartsfield: It has been awhile.

101 56 09 Mattingly: As I came over, I finally got squared away; and as came across King, I had the binoculars out. And, sure enough, on the central peaks down there - the things we've been debating for so long about whether they were streaks or outcrops or what they were - are large blocks, which are on the - the central peaks. Most of the blocks seem to lie on the eastern side of the peaks; however, there are a few blocks on the western side - enough that you can tell that the reason they look dark is they cast pretty long shadows because they're pretty huge blocks. The floor looks like it's - looks like an old mud flow. It's really a strange looking floor. It's got lots of flow bands and patterns in it. In the crater rim to the west, on the interior shows at least three distinct shades of this gray. The upper one is the same color as the surface, which is a light - sort of a darker gray. Then there's a light gray band, which runs parallel to it. And then the dark band again below that. And the light band is, perhaps, a quarter of the depth of the crater wall. To the north and west of King, I ran into some things that looked like the same sort of swirls we've been looking at up around Al-Birumi and around Reiner Gamma. These two are in the highlands. And with the binoculars, it's my impression that these probably have a certain amount of relief - topographic relief - with them. But they look - when you look straight down on them, they look exactly like the other things we've been looking at. And I took a quick picture of that thing, and I put it on magazine Victor. And if you'll keep a record of these things, Ed[?], that one is on Victor at exposure - oh, excuse me, it's magazine November November; and that's exposure 41.

105 58 23 Hartsfield: We got that, Ken. And, Casper, could we get High Gain, Auto?

105 58 37 Mattingly: You've got Auto, now.

105 58 46 Mattingly: And it's oscillating. Suppose I go back to - there it is. Okay. I had a little tone in my headset that was beeping very softly, and the signal strength was doing the same thing.

105 59 09 Hartsfield: Roger. You want to go Block on the computer, Ken. And we show your Optics still in Manual. And, Ken, you're about ten seconds from Pan Camera, Off.

105 59 23 Mattingly: Okay. The computer's in Block. Okay.

105 59 30 Hartsfield: I was a little late with that one.

105 59 35 Mattingly: (Laughter) Okay. No sweat. We got it done. I'll check the Optics. And when you're ready, I'll start configuring the SIM bay.

106 00 03 Mattingly: And, Hank, would you verify that it's okay to take the Optics and put them to CMC - or to zero them. I sure don't want to take any chances with it.

[CM transcript ceases until 107:28:27]

106 00 18 Hartsfield: Okay. It's okay. They say nothing will happen.

106 00 31 Hartsfield: And, Ken, we've got a little trouble with the High Gain. We need to go back to Reacq.

106 00 42 Mattingly: Okay. I'm in Reacq. Want to go back to Auto now?

106 00 47 Hartsfield: Stand by. Okay. Cleared to go to Auto.

106 01 06 Mattingly: Okay. Auto it is. You got a good one that time. And if you're ready, I'm ready to start deploying things here.

106 01 16 Hartsfield: Okay, Ken. Would you stand by? We're waiting for OSO to get his data.

106 01 24 Mattingly: Oh, very well.

106 01 39 Mattingly: Dum-de-dum (singing).

106 03 11 Hartsfield: Ken, while we're waiting here, how did your extend time go on the mapping camera?

106 03 14 Mattingly: I didn't time it that time, Hank. I - sorry.

106 03 22 Hartsfield: Okay.

106 03 27 Hartsfield: Casper. Pan Camera Power, Off.

106 03 34 Mattingly: Okay. Pan Camera Power is Off.

106 03 36 Mattingly: Mark it.

106 03 44 Hartsfield: OSO has his data now. We can proceed with boom deployment.

106 03 55 Mattingly: Okay. We button this up. Okay, the first one you'd like is a - how about a mass spec for 61 seconds?

106 04 13 Hartsfield: That's affirmative.

106 04 17 Mattingly: Okay. Going to Deploy...

106 04 20 Mattingly: Mark.

106 05 22 Mattingly: Deploy is Off this time.

106 05 25 Hartsfield: Roger. You're clear to start the gamma ray out.

106 05 40 Mattingly: Gamma ray is going out.

106 06 34 Mattingly: Gamma ray is stopped.

106 06 39 Hartsfield: Okay, Ken. And could you give us barber pole plus 4 on the Map Camera.

106 06 45 Mattingly: Okay. That should be one more step. Right?

106 06 48 Hartsfield: That's affirmative.

106 06 52 Mattingly: All right. You've got it. Okay, now the Mass Spec experiment is going to On. The Ion Source is going to Standby.

106 07 25 Mattingly: Alpha Particle and X-Ray Door is coming Open...

106 07 28 Mattingly: Mark. And it's good.

106 07 58 Mattingly: And the X-Ray is coming to On...

106 08 02 Mattingly: Mark.

106 08 30 Hartsfield: [Garble] somebody looks real good right now a - like to read you up a TEI-26 pad block data.

106 08 42 Mattingly: Okay. Would you stand by just a second while I get some food going here?

106 08 46 Hartsfield: Okay.

106 09 43 Hartsfield: Ken, for your information we're planning on your retirement - to rest that is, at 109:30, the nominal time.

106 09 52 Mattingly: I'm glad you clarified that.

106 10 02 Mattingly: I hope you realize I'm too young to retire.

106 10 05 Hartsfield: Roger.

106 10 14 Mattingly: Can you tell me anything about the status of the surface guys? Are they gonna get at least two EVAs out of this?

106 10 28 Hartsfield: I think the plan is now, Ken, for two EVA's. They are busy buttoning up the LM now and getting ready to get some sleep. They're gonna move the EVA times - at least the first one's gonna be tomorrow morning about 10:30 Central, I think.

106 10 46 Mattingly: Okay.

106 10 48 Hartsfield: And we're gonna change our shifts around too, so I'll be on again in the morning, and then Stu'll get it in the afternoon.

106 11 00 Mattingly: Okay. All right, now I got something soaking here. I'll be ready to copy. Okay. Go ahead.

106 11 15 Hartsfield: All rightee. TEI-26, SPS/G&N; 38726; plus 0.72, plus 1.33; 125:14:27.47; plus 3170.3, plus 1101.6, minus 0310.1; 181, 089, 021; rest of the pad, NA. The set stars are the same as on your circ pad; same attitude; ullage, two jets, 17 seconds; other, Lamda of the Moon at Tig, minus 179.02. End of pad.

106 12 40 Mattingly: Okay. That's a TEI-26, SPS/G&N; 38726; plus 0.72 plus 1.33; 125:14:27.47; plus 3170.3, plus 1101.6, minus 0310.1; 181, 089, and 021; Sirius and Rigel were the angles off the circ pad; two jets, 17 seconds; Lambda 179.02, and that's a minus.

106 13 09 Hartsfield: Good readback, Ken.

106 13 31 Hartsfield: Okay, Ken; we're gonna leave you alone and let you eat now. We've still got about 49 minutes to LOS. And at your convenience, sometime a little later, we'd like to get the crew status report from this morning, which was omitted.

106 13 47 Mattingly: (Laughter) Okay. That's gonna take some bookkeeping; I'll work on that. Sure would rather look out the window, Hank.

106 13 59 Hartsfield: Did anybody ever give you some words on the undervolt last night?

106 14 07 Mattingly: Yes. The words we got were that I inadvertently attempted to get the pan camera on the same time the heaters all came on and - I guess the transient was just - just too much.

106 14 22 Hartsfield: Roger. That's - that's the story as I get it.

106 14 23 Mattingly: Is that the way you understand it?

106 14 25 Hartsfield: Right. That's affirmative.

106 14 30 Mattingly: Okay, well - I'm sorry we missed those photos, but it - it sure seamed like the prudent thing to do at the time.

106 14 41 Hartsfield: We concur.

106 17 53 Mattingly: Henry, another thing that turns out to be a - a pretty nice little gadget is these nets that are in the stowage compartments. Particularly when you get in the food locker when it's about half full. Things are able to stay under some semblance of control. And that's a mighty nice thing.

106 18 22 Hartsfield: So those are working out real good, huh?

106 18 26 Mattingly: Yes, it sure is. That's been a very - help.

106 18 42 Hartsfield: And, Ken you don't have to acknowledge. Look our plans are in the morning first thing to give you a clock sync and get back into the Flight Plan.

106 19 42 Mattingly: That sounds like a good plan.

106 21 09 Mattingly: Oh, one thing you've got to be careful of up here is - when you go to look outside, you kind of have to watch it because you get your - you get too greedy and you get your nose up against the window. About one breath is all it takes, and it's all fogged over.

106 21 25 Hartsfield: Roger. I understand.

106 21 27 Mattingly: I think our humidity must be running fairly high.

106 21 37 Mattingly: I'm passing over a nice little guy right now and would guess - on, I haven't been paying any attention to where I am - looks like I must be - probably looking the the north at - somewhere around the - Guts - Gutenberg uplands. And I'm passing over a little crater that's got another large fill in the center and nice big crater in top of him, a little crater chain around it. And as I said earliest, everything out here has this linear pattern or these lineaments and it doesn't matter whether it's a flat surface, a horizontal, vertical, inside of a wall of a crater - they all seem to have it in one form or another.

106 22 35 Hartsfield: Okay, Ken. if - if our plot board up here is right, you ought to be in - coming up on landing site.

106 22 48 Mattingly: Okay. Let's see.

106 23 03 Mattingly: Oh, maybe I'm out the wrong window here.

106 23 34 Mattingly: You're right, Henry.

106 24 28 Mattingly: And, if you'll remember that little black dot that we drew on our map and talked about. There's a little black spot about in the right area, and I don't have my map so I just looked out at it. But I'll come back next time and take a look and - sure like it is something - entirely different texture.

106 24 48 Hartsfield: Are you talking about right in the area of the landing site?

106 24 53 Mattingly: In the - in the landing site area, but not in the landing site - traverse regions. But that little dark thing looked like a - a possible cone that was out to the - north and to the west. There's a little black dot out there that looks like there may be something that's - that is distinctive. And next time I come over, I'll be better prepared to look for it.

106 25 19 Hartsfield: Okay. I remember that one, that was in the edge of the plotter, wasn't it?

106 25 26 Mattingly: Yes, sir.

106 26 56 Mattingly: I tell you, it sure is impressive how much - how much the scenery changes as the Sun angle changes and how rapidly that goes down.

106 27 43 Mattingly: Your plot boards show me over Albategnius, you say?

106 27 46 Hartsfield: Say again.

106 27 50 Mattingly: Does the plot board show me over Albategnius?

106 27 54 Hartsfield: That's affirmative.

106 27 59 Mattingly: Okay. Now let me tell you a little something here. Just to the north and mostly to the west of Albategnius, the ground - and I think in the higher Sun it's going to look like - look a lot like Imbrium sculpture but not here. It has the mottled effect and the same appearance that the Descartes area had at the same Sun angle yesterday. And that's almost directly south of - it's a little south and a little bit to - of Ptolemaeus, and it's a little bit to the east of Alphonsus.

106 28 49 Hartsfield: Roger. You ought to be coming up on a terminator now. Is that right? Pretty close to it?

106 28 58 Mattingly: Yes, sir. My view is disappearing rapidly.

106 30 03 Hartsfield: You should be over Ptolemaeus now.

106 30 43 Hartsfield: Casper, for your information, everything in the SIM bay is looking good now.

106 30 55 Mattingly: Okay. I just saw something that - I really don't know what to make - I'm in the - I think the spacecraft is just about in the dark, but not quite. We've passed the ground terminator, and I'm looking out of window number 3 down towards the ground. I'm trying to get a preview of what's coming in earthshine. And there's a bright flash that's going along out there. At first, I thought there was something that was on the deck, but it's apparently a piece of debris that's in orbit with us. It's sitting there, tumbling over and flashing.

106 31 43 Hartsfield: It's traveling along with you.

106 31 46 Mattingly: It moves across the ground, so it must be a piece of debris. Yeah.

106 32 15 Mattingly: As a matter of fact, I look around now and there's quite a few of those.

106 32 21 Hartsfield: Can you get any idea how far away they are...

106 32 48 Mattingly:... Depends on what effect that has on - no I can't, Hank. It's just a piece of something that's out there, and it's tumbling so that it gives you an occulting reflection. No field [feel?] at all for it, but it's moving in approximately the same velocity that we are.

106 33 02 Hartsfield: Ken, in reference to your observations of Crater King, we got some ideas about those swirls that are northwest of King. And we'd like for you to get a comparison of those with the swirls of Ibn Yunus. And I wonder if those also have topographic expression?

106 33 27 Mattingly: Okay. I'm too - I'll have to do that some other time, because today I'm too far south to see those things up by Ibn Yunus. I can just barely see up to Neper.

106 33 39 Hartsfield: Roger.

106 33 43 Mattingly: But we sure need to keep that in mind.

106 33 46 Hartsfield: And another thing you might be thinking about if you get an opportunity on some round is to get us a description of the area north of Crater King, including the Soviet Mountains.

106 33 58 Mattingly: Yeah. I was thinking of looking at that. I really hadn't planned to spend much time on King this time. I was going to just kind of look at the - look at the ole crater there. But, got so interested in it that - it looked like there's another crater that's just to the east of King that has, say, a little bisected, central feature just like King. You know the thing that makes that - that little Y-shape. And it looks the same way. That's kind of - kind of interesting, I thought.

106 34 44 Hartsfield: Yeah. I guess we hadn't seen that in the photos.

106 41 58 Mattingly: I guess, Hank, I ought to be passing Flamsteed now.

106 42 05 Hartsfield: Roger. That looks right.

106 42 12 Mattingly: It's really impressive how much you can see in the dark.

106 42 27 Mattingly: I don't believe you can see as much now as you could last night. Of course, partly we're - I'm higher now than I was when I looked at it last night. And the Earth is noticeably smaller, so I guess it's getting - it's losing it's reflective ability rather rapidly.

106 42 52 Hartsfield: Roger.

106 42 55 Mattingly: I was also very impressed with the way you could see the - the LM outline in earthshine. That was something I had not anticipated. Last night as we came across - well let me see what it was - it starts with an H - over on the western rim. Hevetius. Yeah. We drove across that last night, and you could really see the floor patterns in that beautifully.

106 44 49 Mattingly: Okay, Hank. Let's see. I owe you a crew status report from this morning. Right?

106 44 56 Hartsfield: Roger.

106 45 00 Mattingly: Okay. Let's see if I can give you that thing now.

106 45 30 Mattingly: Okay. Alfa 1, 22047; Alfa 3, 6; Alfa 4, negative. Bravo 1, 15044; Bravo 3, 6; Bravo 4, negative. Charlie 1, 21095; Charlie 3, 7; Charlie 4, 1 Seconal.

106 46 24 Hartsfield: We copy, Ken.

106 46 28 Mattingly: Okay. Now I'm going to try to go down the menus here. We're looking for Day 4. Is that correct?

106 46 42 Hartsfield: Affirmative.

106 46 48 Mattingly: Okay. On commander, Meal A, you can delete the mixed fruit, and meal B, you can delete pea soup; Meal C, delete chicken stew and add a chocolate pudding. For me, you can take Meal A and delete the mixed-fruit. You can delete the bread and Jelly. On Bravo, you can delete the pea soup, meatballs. On Charlie, you can delete the chicken stew, and I guess that takes care of those things. The reason for so many of these - we all deleted these canned things, because we got them all over the spacecraft last time, and we decided that we really couldn't afford to do that again.

106 48 13 Hartsfield: Roger. We copy.

106 48 18 Mattingly: Okay. And let me find Charlie's here.

106 49 02 Mattingly: Okay. Here's Charlie's. And on Meal A, you can delete mixed fruit and jelly. Meal B, you can delete sugar cookies. Meal C, you can delete the pudding and the chocolate bar.

106 49 26 Hartsfield: Roger. Copy.

106 51 01 Mattingly: Now we're coming across Hevelius again, and I can see Grimaldi and a couple of fractures that go across its rim. You can really see a lot of detail here. You can see the rilles, you can see - as everybody pointed out, the - they look like ribbons that are just dropped down, and they go all the way across the crater like Hevelius. And it looks like they go out from [garble], and they come down - in fact, they go all the way down to Grimaldi. And just before they get to Grimaldi, they run into a crater. And it looks like they might have been filled a little bit. In fact, it looks the same way that some of the rilles that dot the Fra Mauro, look like they've been filled in. Then there is a very smooth patch that's lined up with this graben that runs from there to Grimaldi. No, I'm sorry. I'm calling Riccioli, Grimaldi. The crater I'm talking about now is Riccioli, and it's got quite a few fractures that run out. And it looks like a flow pattern. It looks just like looking down on a - on a long tongue of lava like we've seen terrestrially. I don't mean to infer that there is lava, but I'm just saying that it has the same appearance. It is coming out of the northeastern corner of Riccioli. And it has what looks like little ripple patterns on it, like you'd expect for flow bands, but they aren't quite as arcuate, and they don't take quite the same - the same concentric pattern that you'd expect from a flow front. But this little crater coming down from Hevelius - the rille it comes down to there and then it hits the crater, and then it gets a very, very smooth spot. And then it runs in and you can see continuations of these lineaments right on across Riccioli.

106 53 07 Hartsfield: Roger. That sounds real interesting.

106 53 11 Mattingly: Riccioli has quite a few elongate little craters around it. Several of them that are - elongate - and one of them is quite long. I'd say it's maybe - it's curved and looks like it's maybe ten kilometers long. And it has just a slight arc to it. But, it is a very elongate feature. Now, we are moving into material that's very hilly and I don't see a lot of small craters. I don't see a lot of bright ones. You can see bright rims in here quite well. The things that do stand out to the west of Riccoli are the very dramatic cross cutting graben-type rilles. They cross, in one place here, almost 90 degrees to each other. Looks like I am looking at a very subdued old basin. And, these things go across the hills and right on across the basin floor. And, I'm not sure, but I would guess that some of these things - other lineaments I am seeing - they're running toward the northeast or more than likely things coming out of Orientale. I should be coming in towards the outer rim of the Orientale Basin. You get-the same kind of impression of - at the terminator when the earthshine runs out as you do when sunshine runs out. The only thing it's different is you don't - you don't get to see quite as much of the - everything is a lot more subdued. And, you don't get shadows that are nearly as long. Or, at least not as bright. There's also, running down here - there is one ridge and I am sure I am looking in a ridge instead of a graben. I've got grabens and cut it. But this thing has a bright line on it that looks like ridge that runs northeast, southwest along with some of the graben. And, it seems it's one of the first big ridges I've seen that cuts up over a highlands clump of material. That's all just to the - just to the west of Riccioli.

106 55 29 Hartsfield: Roger. Copy.

106 55 35 Hartsfield: Ken, we have...

106 55 36 Mattingly: Okay, Houston, we are getting ready to...

106 55 42 Hartsfield: Ken, we've got your Flight Plan here...

106 55 43 Mattingly: Go ahead, we're ready for LOS, so...

106 55 47 Mattingly: Okay. Do you have time to read it to me?

106 55 50 Hartsfield: I think so; if you are ready to copy.

106 55 56 Mattingly: All right. Can you tell me where I should start?

106 56 00 Hartsfield: Okay. LOS will be at 107:02. Approx...

106 56 07 Mattingly: Okay. Should I be in the Flight Plan or should I be writing in something separate?

106 56 11 Hartsfield: I think you better write in something separate.

106 56 17 Mattingly: Okay, stand by. Okay, shoot.

106 56 20 Hartsfield: Okay. 107:02 LOS. And approximately 107:10 - approximately eight minutes after LOS, configure DSE - stop High Bit Rate, Command Reset, Forward. 107:21, sunrise. 107:25, 02 Heaters 1 and 2, Auto. O2 Heaters, three, Off. 107:38, Image Motion, Increase. Barber pole, plus 3. 107:48, AOS. 107:57, Pan Camera, Standby - Stereo, Power. 107:58, 13 - This is your T-start. Pan Camera, Operate. Mass Spectrometer, Ion Source, On. At the same time - right after you get the Pan Camera. 108:04, Motion, Increase, barber pole, plus 4. T-stop. 108:28:13 - that's also T-stop for the mapping camera, which read up - I read that up to you earlier. It's Pan Camera, Standby at T-stop. Pan Camera, Off MSFN cue. Mapping Camera, Off (T-stop). Wait 30 seconds. Mapping Camera, Standby. Image Motion, Off. Laser Altimeter, Off. Mapping Camera, Retract. Mapping Camera Laser Altimeter Cover, Closed. 108:40, Mass Spec, Deploy. Gamma Ray, Deploy. 108:50, return to the Flight Plan, at last. And pick up with the P20 and follow on with those activities through your pre-sleep checklist and - I've already - the only thing different there is I've already given you PDI-26 Pad.

107 00 21 Mattingly: Outstanding. You guys really do good work. Okay, I think I've got everything here. I didn't have any questions about it. You want me - How much time do we have? I don't know whether it's worth

trying to read back or not?

107 00 36 Hartsfield: Okay, we've got 2 minutes to LOS. You don't have to read back. I think...

107 00 42 Mattingly: Okay, here goes. 107:02, LOS. 107:10, configure DSE - stop High Bit Rate, Command Reset, Forward. 21 is sunrise; 25, 02 heaters, 1 and 2 to Auto. O2 Heaters Tank 3, Off. 38, IMC, Increase; barber pole, plus 3. 48, AOS; 57, Pan, Standby - Stereo and Power. 58, 13 - Pan Camera to Operate; Mass Spec Ion Source, On. 04, that's 108:04, IMC to barberpole, plus 4. 28, 13, T-stop for Pan Camera to Standby and Mapping Camera to Off. Thirty seconds, then to Standby, IMC, Off. Laser Altimeter, Off; Mapping Camera, Retract. Mapping Camera Cover, Closed. At 108:40, Mass Spec to Gamma Ray to Deploy. 108:50, return to the Flight Plan.

107 01 32 Hartsfield: Good readback, Ken.

107 01 37 Mattingly: Okay. Outstanding.

107 01 42 Hartsfield: Okay, we got less than a minute to go. Stu will see you on the other side.

107 01 59 Mattingly: All right, Hank. Thank you very much. You've done a good day's work. See you tomorrow evening.

107 02 05 Hartsfield: Roger.

[Loss of Signal. Tech transcript restarts at 107 52 32. CM transcript starts at 107 28 27, finishing at 017 53 34]

[Rev 18 begins at 107:41]

107 28 27 Mattingly (CM onboard): Okay; we're coming up on the crater Bharonov, and we're trying to catch up on the photo pass. And I'm aimed roughly between Sharonov and Anderson. And we'll fly along here until Spencer Jones, and the next time we have something coming up is an IMC change at [107:]38. Sharonov is a rather interesting crater. It's got a lot of big slumps that are in the wall to the east that you don't see, looks like the western wall. They're in the shadow, but they're very, very predominant slumps, some with little craters. They look very smooth and rounded. In fact, they - the walls to the south look smooth and rounded compared to the - to the walls that are lighted by maybe a sunlight illumination effect. There's a - across the Moon, now, we see several different kinds of material, and there doesn't seem to be any exception. We see Cayley-like material which is - this altitude, is anything that has lots of little pits and relatively smooth surfaces. And coming up now on Spencer Jones. And we see that this area out here has a - a lot of gently rolling topography. You see streaks of it, and then - well, I see some little hummocks, and then I see it going out to smoother areas. I'll try to compare this with the - with the Cayley. I see several places where there's little clusters of holly [?] cratered area. I see there are more craters than the - the average that you would expect.

107 30 58 Mattingly (CM onboard): Shifting to 1/250. 1/250 I shifted to at Spencer Jones. I'm shifting a little later because it's a rev later. Spencer Jones is again another one of these strange ones that looks like it's slumped. It looks like it's been here forever with slumps in it. They're all around it. They don't have sharp terraces anywhere. I have the impression that within the material that comes from Spencer Jones down - down into Pap - Papaleski is even smoother, and it looks like it flows down in there and Just creeps over it. And this is true all over the north - excuse me, the northeast and also the southwest side.

107 32 01 Mattingly (CM onboard): Take a quick look down in there. Back to our strip.

107 32 23 Mattingly (CM onboard): Apparently some of these things I'm looking at north of Papaleski there that they're unnamed on our - our chart, but look like they're just filled with so much stuff, big blobs of things that couldn't all be slumps that Just fell down from the side, but they'd almost have to run in to form the kind of blobs that they have. There's one here that - It's a little to the north. It's a very strange looking thing.

107 33 30 Mattingly (CM onboard): Man, everywhere you look there's craters and craters and hills. Hummocks up on the northern horizon. Let's get one shot of that stuff. Okay. Well, I guess that I'm not coming up on Van Gent. And I guess it's about time for me to shift to - to an f/8.

107 34 59 Mattingly (CM onboard): Man, there's more of that stuff. It's just all over here. What looks like areas have Just flown down into these big ditches.

107 35 25 Mattingly (CM onboard): Okay; there's the end of that strip.

107 35 44 Mattingly (CM onboard): I've got Mendeleev - out here also.

107 36 26 Mattingly (CM onboard): Okay; at 38, going barber pole plus 3.

107 36 40 Mattingly (CM onboard): Hilly. Stop taking it across the wall. Oh, I should have taken that thing. Oh!

107 37 12 Mattingly (CM onboard): Okay; at 38, go barber pole plus 3.

107 37 23 Mattingly (CM onboard): Barber pole; 1, 2, 3.

107 37 49 Mattingly (CM onboard): Okay. Catch Mendeleev.

107 38 30 Mattingly (CM onboard): Oh, come on. There we go.

107 38 51 Mattingly (CM onboard): Manual and Wide, okay [garble]. Setting [garble] f/11, 1/250. Okay, take pictures.

107 39 06 Mattingly (CM onboard): Mark. That's magazine November November again.

107 39 57 Mattingly (CM onboard): Right up over Green. Mr. Hartmann and Mr. Green.

107 40 14 Mattingly (CM onboard): Well, there's some very, very smooth places in the floor out here.

107 41 37 Mattingly (CM onboard): Well, got a lot of smooth floor areas that slump and come right up over this crater. And that just looks like so much gypsum out there; it's just soft. I just can't believe any of that stuff has ever been crystal. Interesting little patterns on these little hills down here. Got a little ripple to it.

107 42 28 Mattingly (CM onboard): Hal There's definitely a dark albedo unit that comes down through here. I don't think I understand.

107 42 51 Mattingly (CM onboard): Boy, it sure shows in the binoculars as an entirely different texture. When you look at it, it doesn't look surprisingly so much. Just to the north - just to the northeast of Green, there is a distinctly different textured unit that shows up. It looks like a flow. It's just spread out in there. And it does indeed look distinctly different. The terraces in Green are large banks, but there's no evidence of bedding in them. They just look all slumped, except for some little patches every now and then, flat places. And one little spot looked that like it had a dark - block on it or something.

107 44 08 Mattingly (CM onboard): Okay, now, let's see, what's next? Man, whoever put that Velcro on there just didn't believe you'd want to use it. Okay, back to the Flight Plan. See what I'm doing. Okay, we got Hartmann and Green. Let's see here; I concluded this one at - at 145. Looks like I'm supposed to take two.

107 45 03 Mattingly (CM onboard): Where are you [garble] catch up in attitude.

107 45 20 Mattingly (CM onboard): Descartes. Here we go. And Crozier. Magazine Papa Papa.

107 45 51 Mattingly (CM onboard): Crozier. Wonder where he's gonna be. Yeah, we can catch him. Gonna let me do it on the same -

107 46 42 Mattingly (CM onboard): Okay, I can catch her.

107 46 54 Mattingly (CM onboard): Best way to catch those would be look up on [garble]

107 47 11 Mattingly (CM onboard): P7, P1, P7, P16, next one coming up, P12.

107 47 37 Mattingly (CM onboard): f/8, 1/250. Next - Crozier.

107 48 04 Mattingly (CM onboard): Then Ptolemaeus. And I'll need - to get Ptolemaeus, I'll need magazine SS. Okay, SS it is.

[Acquisition of Signal and recommencement of tech transcript. The CapCom is now Stu Roosa.]

107 52 32 Mattingly: Houston, are you there?

107 52 34 Roosa: Roger, Casper. Houston standing by.

107 52 39 Mattingly: Well, hello there.

107 52 45 Roosa: And, Casper. We'd like you to have - go back to Reacq on the high gain, please.

107 52 53 Mattingly: Okay. Every time I try that it looks like it does worse. Well, it's holding in there this time, I guess.

[CM transcript ends at 107 53 34]

107 53 33 Roosa: And, Ken. Sometime, at your convenience, we'd like to have you push on your biomed sensors. Getting a little noise on the data. Just like to see something cleared up.

107 53 51 Mattingly: Okay. I'll get to that in just a minute. I'm flapping right now with some - trying to make up the things we missed here. And I just finished putting most of Sharonov and Mendeleev on magazine November November. And I'll try to pick up the one that [garble] if you'll tell me I can do it on November November.

107 54 20 Roosa: Okay, stand by.

107 55 33 Roosa: And, Casper. Could you give us a frame number on November November.

107 55 41 Mattingly: Okay. How about - ah - 145?

107 55 49 Roosa: Okay, 145. I believe that.

107 56 10 Mattingly: And, don't let me forget things like this pan camera thing coming up, because I am sitting here getting camera set up. I am going to try to get the earthshine sequence in this trip, too.

107 56 23 Roosa: Okay. Roger. We'll give you a call.

107 56 43 Roosa: And, Ken, it's about time now. Within the next 15 seconds or so, if you want to get the Pan Camera, Standby Stereo on Power.

107 56 54 Mattingly: Okay, thank you, sir. Standby, Stereo, Power. You've got it.

107 57 00 Roosa: Roger.

107 57 06 Mattingly: Well, I'll tell you. Just a little reminder like that can go a long ways toward getting something done in here.

107 57 13 Roosa: Jolly good. We'll try to please.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control at 107 hours and 59 minutes, and at this point, we have caught up with all of the back-log of tapes that was accumulated during the change-of-shift press briefing and which continued to pile up on us as we were replaying the tapes that we had already accumulated. We are up to date now and standing by live, and we believe that third good night, or at least hope that third good night, was the final one. We don't expect to hear from the crew now for about eight hours aboard Orion. We are in contact with Ken Mattingly aboard the orbiting Command Module - Command Service Module, Casper; and we'll be picking that up and standing by until Ken Mattingly completes this revolution and goes behind the Moon, and we expect he also before much longer will be getting a rest period. Based on the data received from the Lunar Module Guidance & Navigation System during the landing, we have come up with a set of landing coordinates which agree very closely with the estimation that John Young gave of the Spacecraft's position. Our coordinates from the calculations here on the ground show the Lunar Module Orion to be located about 430 feet [130 metres] west and about 900 feet [270 metres] north of the planned target point. If I remember correctly, Young estimated that they had come down about 200 meters west and about 100 meters north of a crater very near the landing site, and that crater was Double Spot Crater, which is just slightly to the south and west of the LM site. So the two numbers would be very comparable. The numbers that I gave, the 430 feet west and 900 feet north are with respect of the landing site - the numbers that Young used. His estimate was 200 feet - or 200 meters, rather- west of Double Spot Crater and 100 meters north, which is about the same location, as best we can tell, as that we have computed. The coordinates of this landing point would be 8 degrees, 59 minutes and 13.2 seconds south and 15 degrees, 30 minutes 48.6 seconds east. We do expect that these coordinates will be updated, particularly if Ken Mattingly is able to get some tracking data from orbit. Using the CSM sextant, he plans to try to take some landmark sightings on the landing site and will also get an additional fix based on crew observations once they get out and get a chance to look in a little more detail at the surrounding landscape. At this point, we'll switch over to our second air-to-ground line and stand by for any conversation with Ken Mattingly aboard the orbiting Command Module, Casper.

107 57 45 Roosa: Okay, Ken, you're 30 seconds from the T-start time on the pan camera.

107 57 56 Mattingly: Okay.

107 58 05 Roosa: Ten seconds, Ken.

107 58 15 Mattingly: And, you've got it.

107 58 17 Roosa: Okay. Roger...

107 58 19 Mattingly: Barber pole in gray and away she goes.

107 58 20 Roosa: Very good and Ion Source, On.

107 58 27 Mattingly: Ion Source, On.

107 58 28 Mattingly: Mark.

107 58 32 Roosa: Okay. And, Ken, on those last November November, we'll give you 30 frames on that one.

107 58 45 Mattingly: Okay. I guess it was scheduled for another magazine, but I just don't have time to change it.

107 59 00 Roosa: No Sweat. You got 30.

107 59 02 Mattingly: Okay. That should be plenty. And, I got the magazine XX loaded in the Hycon, and I am ready to go to work on that as soon as we get in the darkness. Well, maybe that won't work, because I guess you got a P52 and things coming for me.

107 59 16 Roosa: Stand by on that, Ken.

107 59 30 Roosa: Okay, Ken, what we'd like for you to do after this Sunside pass, after you finish up here, is to get a good night's sleep. We're not showing you anything scheduled after that.

107 59 46 Mattingly: Okay, I thought there was a P52 or something I was supposed to get as soon as it got dark. I'll - I can sneak that in there, too. I hate to see us miss very much of the things that we almost did.

108 00 00 Roosa: No, Ken. This - It's not scheduled. The last thing you need to...

108 00 02 Mattingly: Well [garble].

108 00 03 Roosa:... do is 108 plus 50, where you go in to do the activities there in the flight plan; you go right into the pre-sleep checklist and we'll see you in the morning.

108 00 18 Mattingly: Oh, okay. Outstanding. Very good. Thank you.

108 00 22 Roosa: Roger.

108 02 09 Roosa: Okay, Casper, if we can have the High Gain to Auto; please, sir.

108 02 16 Mattingly: You've got it.

108 02 21 Roosa: Okay.

108 02 35 Mattingly: Can you look in your plot-board me approximately what my longitude is right now?

108 02 45 Roosa: Oh, Ken, it's probably about 70 East, something like that. You're just coming across the western rim of Smythii there.

108 03 03 Mattingly: Okay, good enough.

108 03 44 Mattingly: Yes, here comes our old friend, Langrenus.

108 04 03 Roosa: Okay, Ken, we need barber pole [garble]...

108 0405 Mattingly: I guess you need a little barber pole, don't you? Okay, that should be one plus what we have.

108 06 24 Mattingly: Hey, Stu, if I put 30 frames on this Crozier, I won't get that first strip of Kant - Andel. You think about doing away with the intervalometer and taking the pictures with less overlap and try to squeeze it all onto this one mag?

108 06 46 Roosa: Okay, stand by. Let's take a look at that, Ken.

108 06 51 Mattingly: Okay, I got a couple of minutes before I start.

108 06 55 Roosa: Okay.

108 07 29 Mattingly: Oh.

108 08 07 Roosa: Okay, Ken, you can go ahead and disregard the intervalometer and try to get them both on that same mag.

108 08 17 Mattingly: Okay, thank you very much. I'm all set up to come up on Crozier.

108 08 23 Roosa: Okay.

108 15 41 Mattingly: Well, it looks like I ran out anyhow. I got 165 and the magazine's empty, and I just finished the strip of Crozier.

108 15 54 Roosa: Okay, I copy that.

108 16 21 Mattingly: That's on magazine November November.

108 16 26 Roosa: Okay.

108 16 30 Mattingly: And I'll go see if I can get Papa Papa out here real fast.

108 17 16 Mattingly: Okay, Papa Papa is out and loaded. I'll try to pick up Descartes to Andel with it.

108 17 24 Roosa: Roger.

108 22 07 Mattingly: Stu,.there is a definite textural similarity between the material or the bright spot by Descartes Crater and the things around Stone Mountain. However, it is a lighter albedo. It's a shade lighter and the line of demarcation seems to come along the long crater.

108 22 38 Roosa: Okay. We got that.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control at 108 hours, 21 minutes. We have heard no nothing further from the crew aboard the Lunar Module Orion, Charlie Duke and John Young since we last said good night. But we do have about 40 minutes of acquisition time left with the Command Module, Casper, which is presently in an orbit 66.8 nautical miles [124 kilometres] by 53 nautical miles [98 kilometres]. And occasionally we are getting bits and pieces drifting through the communications of what sounds like Marshall music that Ken Mattingly is playing on the onboard tape recorder. And as the level reaches the high enough point that is triggering his vox, the voice operated relay and the communication system and we'll get a snatch of it here and there. Mattingly at the present time is getting caught up on his normal flight plans and we expect he will be caught up by about 109 hours, 30 minutes at which time he's scheduled to begin an eight and half hour rest period. At present time he's involved in keeping the SIM bay operating and taking a series of photographs. And at about 109 hours, 17 minutes he is scheduled to start in on the pre-sleep checklist. We'll continue to stand by live for conversation between Ken Mattingly and CapCom, Stu Roosa. We'll be in a record mode for any conversations with the Lunar Module and we'll play those back following their receipt. Should we hear anything from Young or Duke aboard the Lunar Module (Music)

108 23 48 Mattingly: And another strange sight over here, I think it's Andel, that's where I'm supposed to be ending the strip. But there's another crater here that looks like it's flooded, except this same flooded material seems to run up on the outside. You can see a definite patch of this stuff that's run down inside an old crater. And that material at least lays on top of it, but it lays on top of things that are outside and higher. It's a very strange operation. I guess we'll have to wait and let someone that knows what they're talking about look at the pictures.

108 24 25 Roosa: All righty, Ken. Sounds real interesting.

108 24 31 Mattingly: Man, this is unbelievable. It's really something. Everywhere you turn, there's something new. And let's see if we can get in the old SS on Ptolemaeus here.

108 26 13 Mattingly: Well, I'll tell you what. I'm going to have to skip Ptolemaeus. The terminator is still on the rim.

108 26 22 Roosa: Okay.

108 26 23 Mattingly: Just for kicks, though, I'm going to show you one on frame SS that is really fascinating. And I'm just on the eastern rim of Ptolemaeus. I mentioned it last time. I'm going to take a little strip of these.

108 26 44 Mattingly: And then see if I can get - yeah, that ought to be good enough. Okay, I took - I took it up to 20 frames, and I used about five of these on SS. And what I took it of was - This material that's on the eastern rim of Ptolemaeus has the same textural appearance in the - low that we saw in the Descartes formation, that being the stuff coming from the crater Descartes running north yesterday. An entirely different appearance than the rest of the terrain in the low Sun. I think there may be some interesting comparison there.

108 27 32 Roosa: Okay, Ken. Got that. And you're approaching 30 seconds to - the...

108 27 42 Mattingly: Okay, going to end up pan camera off here somewhere.

108 27 45 Roosa: Roger; on my mark, you'll be 25 seconds.

108 27 49 Roosa: Mark. And, Ken, just turn the cameras off there. Then, before you continue on with those steps, I want to say something about those procedures on down at the bottom. I'm showing 6 - 7 seconds.

108 28 08 Mattingly: Okay.

108 28 14 Roosa: And -

108 28 15 Roosa: Mark. I show T-stop. That's the pan camera and mapping camera.

108 28 18 Mattingly: Okay, they are Standby and Off. I'll wait 30 seconds before I take the Image Motion, Off. Hey, thank you, Stu, that was a big help.

108 28 30 Roosa: Roger. And - I would - We're going to delete, on those procedures there, the Mapping Camera, Retract; and the Mapping Camera/Laser Altimeter Cover, Close -We're going to leave those out all night, and we'll have a - a plan tomorrow on how we're going to handle the mapping camera.

108 28 51 Mattingly: Okay. You do want the Laser, Off, though. Is that correct?

108 28 55 Roosa: That's affirmative.

108 29 02 Mattingly: Okay, the Laser is Off now. The Mapping Camera going to Standby and the Image Motion is coming Off.

108 29 08 Roosa: Jolly good.

108 29 18 Roosa: And, Ken, a couple of other items. We're going to let the Bat A charge all night, so we'll just leave that as is.

108 29 30 Mattingly: Okay. Those batteries kinda put in a day's work, too, today.

108 29 36 Roosa: Roger.

108 30 03 Mattingly: Okay, I see that we're going to have AOS on the next pass before we get - before the sleep period starts, so I think I'll wait and give you my film summary at AOS, if that's okay. It'll take me that long to sort it all out, I'm afraid.

108 30 23 Roosa: That's okay, Ken.

108 30 29 Mattingly: All I was planning to give you was how much was left in each mag.

108 30 35 Roosa: Say again, Ken.

108 30 39 Mattingly: All I was planning to give you, Stu was, how much is left in each magazine.

108 30 43 Roosa: Hey, that's jolly.

108 32 28 Roosa: And Casper, Houston.

108 32 31 Mattingly: Okay.

108 32 33 Roosa: Okay I got a couple of things.

108 32 35 Mattingly: Go ahead.

108 32 36 Roosa: Ken, one is we would like to delete that film status report. We would like for you to start your rest period just as soon as you can after LOS and let us pick up any talking about the film or anything like that for tomorrow.

108 32 54 Mattingly: Oh, very well. You is the boss.

108 33 00 Roosa: And another thing, we're noticing indications here that your screens - on your O2 return hoses and also the suit circuit return valve. You might take a look at those tonight and see if they need a little cleaning.

108 33 18 Mattingly: Okay, I've been cleaning the suit circuit return screen every night and it's been getting pretty dirty, so I'll check it again today and the other hoses, I've got a - since I didn't have a screen for the inlets, I capped the inlets and just used the outlets to keep stuff from - We got so much junk here, I didn't want to get stuff inside the hoses down through the suit fans and to clog up the other filters...

108 33 43 Roosa: Okay.

108 33 44 Mattingly:... So I put the interconnects on the inlets and just let the air blow out of the hoses and take it all in through the suit circuit return. That might give you a little higher pressure rise.

108 33 57 Roosa: Okay, we - we concur with the configuration and but we have noticed the O2 flow creeping up slowly, indicating that it would probably need a little housecleaning on that screen.

108 34 10 Mattingly: Yes, sir; thank you very much. I'll catch that baby.

108 34 13 Roosa: Okay.

108 34 15 Mattingly: I'll tell you, this is - A man shouldn't get paid for doing this.

108 34 20 Roosa: Yes, it really sounds great, Ken. I think - I think the difference in the Earth crescent sure must make a difference, the way you're talking of earthshine versus the way I saw it.

108 34 32 Mattingly: Oh, it's fantastic. You can see the whole thing. It's really something. I'm going to try that - that's the reason I wanted to try and get these earthshine pictures in this time before the Earth gets any smaller. Because it really isn't nearly as dramatic tonight as it was last night, and I don 't know whether that 's the altitude or what.

108 35 01 Mattingly: But if I - let's see, we want to run these booms out and what else? Got to turn the Pan Camera, Off. Okay, if you'll give me a call on those.

108 35 11 Roosa: Roger. I'm watching for you on the boom deploy, Ken. You got a little less than 5 minutes.

108 35 20 Mattingly: Okay, I'll - You know something else that I'm not real sure about. It sure looks to me as though the earthshine is not as bright on this mare. I guess it's just this mare that's over around Fra Mauro and so forth is just darker, and maybe it's my night adaptation that hasn't taken affect yet, but I got the distinct impression that that band's [?] a lot brighter when you get over to the western limb.

108 35 52 Roosa: Okay, got that, Ken.

108 35 57 Mattingly: I don't think I understand that.

108 36 17 Mattingly: I tell you, I thought this was kind of appropriate here. A few minutes ago, I was playing Berlioz' Symphonie Fantastique and looking at this fantastic sight and floating along here, and it's just unbelievable it's so much fun.

108 36 31 Roosa: Yes, it sure sounds like it; in fact, we were catching a little of your music occasionally there. Didn't sound as good as (laughter) Riding Old Paint", but I guess it'll do.

108 36 47 Mattingly: Well, I've been listening to "Old Paint" kind of music for three days of PTC. But it was good "Old Paint," I'll have to admit. I enjoyed it.

108 37 12 Roosa: And, Casper; Houston.

108 37 15 Mattingly: Go ahead.

108 37 19 Roosa: Okay, would - What we'd like to do now, Ken, is go ahead and put out the booms now and, as soon as you have them out, go ahead and start the - start your P20 running right now. It looks like we might he cramped a little bit to get your uplinks in, so we want to make sure that we get - all of the up-links completed here.

108 37 44 Mattingly: Okay. In other words, you want me to cancel the earthshine ?

108 37 52 Roosa: Yes, that's what we are saying, Ken. We're just afraid we might be cutting it kind of tight on the up-link.

108 38 00 Mattingly: All right, that's in work.

108 38 02 Roosa: Okay.

108 38 51 Roosa: Okay, Ken, and we can take the Pan Camera Power to Off. The lens is stowed.

108 38 58 Mattingly: Okay. Pan Camera Power is Off.

108 39 02 Roosa: Okay.

108 40 27 Mattingly: Okay, and I guess I might as well go ahead and put the booms out, hadn't I?

108 40 31 Roosa: Roger. We'd - we'd like to have those out and, as soon as you complete that, let's go ahead and do the - go into the P20 that we're showing at 108 plus 50. Let's don't wait for that.

108 40 46 Mattingly: Okay, I'm already going there.

108 40 47 Roosa: Oh, okay.

108 40 49 Mattingly: I'm doing a manual roll to get over there and spin it around.

108 40 54 Roosa: Okay, very good.

108 41 06 Mattingly: And I guess I'd like to have a SIM bay configuration - what - what you think I should have at the end of - while I get ready to go to bed, what mechanical and electrical status, and let me crosscheck it to make sure I haven't forgotten something.

108 41 22 Roosa: Okay. We'll get that for you.

108 42 02 Mattingly: Holy smokes.

108 45 06 Roosa: And Casper, Houston. We've got that SIM bay configuration when you're ready.

108 45 13 Mattingly: Okay, go ahead.

108 45 15 Roosa: Okay, it is your normal sleep configuration, with a change in the first digit of the top line. We're going to change that 0 to a 1. You will now have a configuration, minus 11111; second line is normal, 01222.

108 45 40 Mattingly: Okay, minus all is; 01222. Thank you, sir.

108 45 44 Roosa: Roger. And we'd like...

108 45 45 Mattingly: And just looked at the inlet screens and you're right, they're - Go ahead.

108 45 50 Roosa: Okay, I copied your - your bit on the screens and we'd like B/D Roll for sleep tonight.

108 46 00 Mattingly: Okay, you'd like to do a B/D Roll. Okay. How does the general RCS picture look?

108 46 10 Roosa: We're in - we're in good shape, Ken. We're down a little on the Flight Plan, but we're riding 168 above the above the red line. We're - On the Flight Plan, we're down a minus 133.

108 46 32 Mattingly: Okay.

108 46 35 Roosa: And...

108 46 36 Mattingly: Eventful afternoon.

108 46 40 Roosa: It'll all get done. You're doing a great job, Ken.

108 46 49 Mattingly: Well, I'm just real sorry about that delay this afternoon. I wish I had known more about it. I'd already decided that if it was - if it was just oscillatory and stable, I was going to take it.

108 47 07 Roosa: Yes; well, I tell you, the - the traces on those up to the time that you turned off the gimbal motors were just a classic divergent curve, right out of the textbook.

108 47 19 Mattingly: Yes. Yes, I couldn't believe it when I saw that thing. Thought I was back in Floody's simulator.

108 47 32 Roosa: Yes, I think there has been a lot of people talking about SimSup today. Wish we could just forget this one.

108 47 43 Roosa: But, hey, I got a couple other reminders here while we're chatting. I'd like to remind you on your pre-sleep checklist that we'll not bump up the cabin tonight.

108 47 55 Mattingly: Okay, thank you.

108 48 18 Roosa: And, Ken, a couple other - or one other item here, you might get a leg up on your pre-sleep checklist and check the Optics Power, Off, at your convenience.

108 48 34 Mattingly: Okay, I'll get that stuff in just a minute.

108 48 38 Roosa: Okay, I wasn't trying to hurry you, I just wanted to toss in a little reminder there.

108 48 45 Mattingly: Yes, thank you. I think I left it on last night.

108 48 50 Roosa: That isn't what I was trying to say, Ken.

108 48 56 Mattingly: (Laughter) Well, you know what was going on last night and this morning. Everything you said was true. I got a garbage can in here that's bigger than me.

108 49 10 Roosa: Roger.

108 50 20 Roosa: And we'd like to have Omni Charlie now, Ken; and, when you get to attitude, you can reacquire with high gain.

108 50 28 Mattingly: Okay. Hey, that is better.

108 51 25 Mattingly: Hey, Stu, I kinda turned the - Hank off this morning when he tried to give us a - SIM bay status report, because it just wasn't - this morning wasn't a convenient time, but I'd be very happy to hear one of those tomorrow to see what people are finding out.

108 51 43 Roosa: Okay. We'll give you a good one tomorrow.

108 52 00 Roosa: Okay, Ken. Just at this appearance, it appears that everything is swinging along all right with them, but we'll have you a good scientific readout on it tomorrow.

108 52 13 Mattingly: All righty.

108 52 49 Mattingly: Hank said something about a - about the clock update. Are we going to do that tomorrow or tonight ?

108 52 57 Roosa: That'll be done tomorrow, Ken. What we'd really like for you to do is get to - get to resting. Go into your sleep period just as soon as you can here.

108 53 12 Mattingly: Roger; I'm working on the pre-sleep checklist now.

108 53 15 Roosa: Okay.

108 58 28 Roosa: Casper, Houston. Would you give us the high gain just as soon as you can and go Accept.

108 59 43 Roosa: Okay, Casper, if you'd give us Wide Beamwidth and Accept, please. We're about a minute and a half from LOS.

108 59 56 Mattingly: Okay, you've got Accept. You want Wide and Auto or what on Beam?

109 00 03 Roosa: Roger. That's Wide and Auto, Ken.

109 00 34 Roosa: Okay. Ken, if you can read, we'd like for you to go back to Block and - and load your Jet Monitor routine manually.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control at 109 hours, 2 minutes. We've had loss of radio contact now with Apollo 16 Casper, as the Spacecraft went around the corner on its eighteenth revolution. And when we reacquire in about 45 minutes, Ken Mattingly should either be in his sleep period or about to begin. We last heard from the crew aboard Orion on the lunar surface at 107 hours, 53 minutes, or a little over an hour ago, and they should be in the midst of an eight-hour sleep period at this time. We have an additional update to the landing coordinates for Orion based on the crew's out-the-window observations and report of the terrain features that they were able to see out the window. Our best estimate now is that their actual landing site - Landing point - is 656 feet [198 metres] west of the target point and 459 feet [140 metres] north. At 109 hours, 3 minutes, this is Apollo Control, Houston.

Rev 19 begins at 109 39]

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control, Houston at 109 hours 47 minutes into the mission. We have just acquired data on Casper, now on its 19th revolution around the moon, meanwhile in the Mission Control Center, we have had a shift handover. Flight Director Gene Kranz and his White Team of flight controllers now manning the console here in Mission Control. We will leave the line up on this front side pass of Casper and at 109 hours, 48 minutes continuing to monitor, this is Apollo Control, Houston.

109 48 01 Mattingly: Houston, Casper.

109 48 04 Peterson: Casper, Houston. Go ahead.

109 48 15 Peterson: Go ahead, Casper.

109 48 29 Mattingly: Houston, Casper.

109 48 31 Peterson: Go ahead, Casper.

109 48 45 Peterson: Go ahead, Casper. This is Houston.

109 49 27 Peterson: Casper, Houston. How do you read now?

109 49 33 Mattingly: Loud and clear, Don.

109 49 35 Peterson: Okay.

109 49 39 Mattingly: Okay, I'm ready to give you Accept.

109 49 43 Peterson: Okay. Go Accept. We're ready to up-link.

109 49 51 Mattingly: Okay, standing by. And I'd like to verify the cryo configuration with you and make sure that - I'll leave a Battery A on charge overnight. There's no lithium canister change tonight and it looks like when you get the up-link in and I give you a Verb 74, we'll be through.

109 50 16 Peterson: I believe that's right. Stand by one.

109 51 55 Peterson: Casper, Houston. We - we concur with Battery A, will stay on charge all night. There's no LiOH change. And on the cryo configuration, the O2 and H2 Tanks 1 and 2, Auto; Tank 3, Off.

109 52 20 Mattingly: Okay. That's just what we have.

109 52 24 Peterson: Roger.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control, Houston, 109 hours, 53 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. Our CapCom here in Mission Control is Astronaut Don Peterson. Meanwhile, Phil Shaffer is beading up the team of flight controllers who are working with Casper.

109 57 09 Peterson: Casper, Houston. We need an E-Mod and you can turn in for tonight.

109 57 18 Mattingly: Okay. She's coming at you, bit by bit.

109 57 28 Peterson: Roger.

109 59 01 Peterson: Okay, Casper. We recommend you go B/D Roll, and that winds it up.

109 59 12 Mattingly: Yeah, thank you very much.

110 00 07 Mattingly: Okay, Don, I guess that's it. I'll see you folks tomorrow.

110 00 10 Peterson: Okeydoke, Casper. Pleasant dreams.

110 00 17 Mattingly: You must know somebody to get a shift like this.

110 00 20 Peterson: Say again, Casper.

110 00 25 Mattingly: You must know somebody to end up with a shift like this.

110 00 29 Peterson: I'm afraid you're right.

110 00 37 Mattingly: Well, have lots of coffee anyhow. Good night.

110 00 40 Peterson: Good

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control, Houston at 110 hours, 1 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. That was Don Peterson and Ken Mattingly conversing there. Command Module Pilot Mattingly got his turn in call for the night. However, we will continue to keep the lines up live in the event we should hear any further conversations with Ken Mattingly aboard the Command Module, Casper. We're at 110 hours, 2 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. This is Apollo Control, Houston.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control, Houston at 110 hours, 21 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. The Flight Surgeon here in Mission Control just reported over the Flight Director's loop that Ken Mattingly, aboard the Casper Spacecraft, has just dropped off to sleep. We're at 110 hours, 22 minutes into the Mission and continuing to monitor. This is Apollo Control, Houston.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control, Houston at 110 hours, 58 minutes into the mission. We've had a loss of signal with the spacecraft Casper as Casper is passing now around the back side of the Moon on its 19th revolution. As we reported earlier, Command Module Pilot Ken Mattingly appears to be sleeping, dozing off to sleep shortly after he was given the go ahead to start his rest period. Meanwhile in the Mission Control Center, the flight control team is studying the various options for the lunar surface activity ahead and the lunar orbit operations and we would expect at least a first cut on a flight plan update before the end of this shift. We now show four hours and 54 minutes of time remaining before the crew aboard Orion, before John Young and Charles Duke get there wake up call. We're at 110 hours, 59 minutes into the flight and this is Apollo Control, Houston.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control, Houston at 111 hours 4 minutes into the mission as the spacecraft Casper passes above the back side of the Moon on its 19 revolution. We read it's orbital parameters at 67 nautical miles [124 kilometres] by 53 nautical miles [98 kilometres]. We're at 111 hours, 5 minutes Ground Elapsed Time and this is Apollo Control, Houston.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control, Houston at 111 hours, 46 minutes into the mission of Apollo 16. We are now acquiring data on the spacecraft Casper as it comes around the front side of the Moon on its 20th revolution. We presently show an orbit for the Command Module, Casper, of 67 nautical miles by 53 nautical miles. Command Module Pilot Ken Mattingly, like the two Lunar Module Pilots [sic], is in his rest period. We'll stand by, however, and continue to monitor, in the event any conversation should take place. We now show John Young and Charles Duke having 4 hours and 6 minutes of time remaining before their wake-up call. We're at 111 hours, 47 minutes, continuing to monitor, and this is Apollo Control, Houston.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control, Houston at 112 hours, 55 minutes into the mission. We've just had loss of signal with the command module Casper as it passes over the back side of the Moon on it's 20th revolution. We're at 112 hours, 56 minutes and this is Apollo Control, Houston.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control, Houston at 113 hours, 43 minutes now into the flight of Apollo 16. We're a little over a minute away at this time from acquiring Command Module Casper on its 21st revolution around the Moon, so at this point, we'll bring the line up live and continue to monitor. This is Apollo Control, Houston. We are now receiving data from the spacecraft Casper.

Public Affairs Officer: We are now receiving data from the Spacecraft Casper. We're at 113 hours, 45 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. This is Apollo Control, Houston.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control, Houston at 114 hours, 15 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. At this time I would like to repeat our previous announcement that Flight Director Gene Kranz has just completed a status discussion with [the] flight control team. A first cut preliminary flight plan has emerged. Our present plan is to shoot for the three EVA's, each of about seven hours duration. EVA 1 is set to start at 119 hours, 28 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. EVA 2 start time [is] 141 hours, 43 minutes GET. And EVA 3 about 165 hours, 30 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. Each of these EVA's would be separated by [a] rest period of eight hours in essence. Surface activity would be flopping back to Apollo 15's tight schedule. The traverses for John Young and Charles Duke would be much like th[ose] planned pre-mission taking into account the later landing time. If this plan continues to hold good, the lunar liftoff will be at 177 hours, 28 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. Needless to say the consumables outlook for Apollo 16 is favorable. The closest consumable item aboard Orion is water in the Descent system. And this is five to six hours above the three EVA margin and even this could be increased if needed by cutting down electrical power or using from the Ascent system to the equivalent of eight hours. In summary our outlook to this point is good. We show our wake up clock in Mission Control shows one hour, 36 minutes till time of wake up and our Ground Elapsed Time 114 hours, 17 minutes. Continuing to monitor, this is Apollo Control, Houston.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control, Houston at 114 hours, 56 minutes into the flight of Apollo 16. We've had loss of signal with the Command Module Casper as it crosses over the back side of the Moon on its 21st revolution. At 114 hours and 56 minutes, this is Apollo Control, Houston.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control, Houston at 115 hours, 32 minutes into the flight of Apollo 16. Our countdown clock in Mission Control shows some 21 minutes until official wakeup time for astronauts John Young and Charles Duke aboard the Lunar Module Orion. However, our Flight Surgeon here in Mission Control reports via his biomedical instrumentation that Lunar Module Pilot Charlie Duke appears awake so we will stand by with the line open and live in the event he hears from Orion before the official wakeup time. We're at 115 hours, 33 minutes Ground Elapsed Time and this is Apollo Control, Houston.

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Day Five Part Five
Clearance for PDI - Again -
and Landing, Revs 15 and 16
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Revs 23 to 27