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Office of Domestic Finance

Public Service Announcement Campaign About Credit

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The U.S. Department of Treasury along with the Ad Council, have developed a campaign to combat the issue of excessive debt and financial illiteracy. The PSAs urge young adults to take control of their financial decisions by directing them to which will provide information about credit and personal finance.


  • Encourage young adults to think twice about spending in the moment and to seek more knowledge about how their behavior can affect their credit history and immediate future.
  • Teach how overspending may “cost” you more than you think. It can cost you a job, a car loan or an apartment. It can also cause public embarrassment.
  • Direct young adults to, which features an interactive, educational game to explain the importance of having a good credit score and how it can be improved.

Press Release

Fact Sheet pdf icon

TV and Radio Spots

Campaign Web site

To download PSA materials please follow the directions below:

  1. Go to and click on the right hand corner on PSA Central.
  2. If this is your first visit, you will need to register using the link in the login box. This is where you will select that you are either a member of the media, using it for education or a sponsor:
  3. Then you need to select Financial Literacy –> Young Adult from the drop down menu and the type of medium you want (TV, radio or web banners)
  4. Radio and Internet banners can be downloaded from the site, the rest of the materials will be shipped.

*Please note that everything available for download or order on this site is provided free of charge.*


Last Updated: September 17, 2008