April 18, 2008

Goodlatte Statement on S. Korea Reopening Market to U.S. Beef
Agreement Should Bolster Momentum for Future Free-Trade Agreement

WASHINGTON – Today, Ranking Member Bob Goodlatte issued the following statement regarding South Korea reopening its market to U.S. beef and beef products:

“I am very pleased with the agreement worked out this week that will reopen the South Korean market to U.S. beef effective next month. This is great news for our beef producers who have waited a long time to regain access to this important market. Our producers work hard to provide U.S. and international consumers with the safest and most affordable food supply in the world and access to international markets is vital to their livelihoods. This agreement is an important step toward normalizing all beef trade and regaining market access for our producers.

“This will provide new momentum for a free-trade agreement with the Korean government. U.S. producers benefit from greater access to markets around the world and free-trade agreements are the means to that end. United States agriculture depends on exports and a vibrant trade policy is important to our farmers and ranchers and to all of agri-business. The agreement to reopen the South Korean market to U.S. beef will help further our trade goals.”
