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Reps. Israel, Saxton, Drake, and Lynch with the flight crew standing in front of the C-130 that they traveled aboard from Iraq to Kuwait.

Reps. Israel, Saxton, Drake, and Lynch with the flight crew standing in front of the C-130 that they traveled aboard from Iraq to Kuwait.

Congressional delegation members meet with Iraqi President Jalal Talabani and American Ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad. (L to R: Rep. Lynch (MA-09), Rep. Israel, Rep. Saxton (NJ-03), President Talabani, Ambassador Khalilzad, Rep. Drake (VA-02)

Congressional delegation members meet with Iraqi President Jalal Talabani and American Ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad. (L to R: Rep. Lynch (MA-09), Rep. Israel, Rep. Saxton (NJ-03), President Talabani, Ambassador Khalilzad, Rep. Drake (VA-02)

Rep. Israel, alongside Congressman Jim Saxton (R-NJ) presents girl scout cookies at a forward military base in Kuwait.

Rep. Israel, alongside Congressman Jim Saxton (R-NJ) presents girl scout cookies at a forward military base in Kuwait.

Congressman Steve Israel addresses New York troops from the 159th Aviation Brigade.

Congressman Steve Israel addresses New York troops from the 159th Aviation Brigade.

Congressman Israel eats at a mess hall in Iraq with Lt. Col Gillette whose wife is from Huntington and whose family still lives there.

Congressman Israel eats at a mess hall in Iraq with Lt. Col Gillette whose wife is from Huntington and whose family still lives there.

Rep. Steve Israel reads a letter to the troops written by Hauppauge Girl Scout Olivia De Sonne Ammaccapane.

Rep. Steve Israel reads a letter to the troops written by Hauppauge Girl Scout Olivia De Sonne Ammaccapane.

Congressional Delegation members meet with American Ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad. (L to R: Rep. Israel, Rep. Drake (VA-02, Ambassador Khalilzad, Rep. Saxton (NJ-03), Rep. Lynch (MA-09)

Congressional Delegation members meet with American Ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad. (L to R: Rep. Israel, Rep. Drake (VA-02, Ambassador Khalilzad, Rep. Saxton (NJ-03), Rep. Lynch (MA-09)

Congressman Steve Israel has lunch with New York personnel stationed in Balad, Iraq.

Congressman Steve Israel has lunch with New York personnel stationed in Balad, Iraq.