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Central Valley Project Conservation & Restoration Programs

- - Recovering species and habitats in California's Central Valley - -
CVP Conservation Program Graphic
Program Managers
John Thomson
Bureau of Reclamation
Sacramento, CA 95825
Phone: (916) 978-5052 FAX: (916) 978-5055 
Email: jthomson@mp.usbr.gov
Caroline Prose
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Sacramento, CA 95825
Phone: (916) 414-6575 FAX: (916) 414-6713 
Email: caroline_prose@fws.gov

These programs were established under the Endangered Species Act  biological opinions related to Central Valley Project (CVP) operations and Title 34 - Central Valley Project Improvement Act (CVPIA) of Public Law 102-575 Section 3406 - Fish, Wildlife and Habitat Restoration.   Details...

logos of the various agencies in partnership

For assistance in downloading information, please contact:
Lynnette Wirth at 916-978-5102, lwirth@mp.usbr.gov .

 Current as of: September 18, 2006