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Federal Casework PDF Print

Federal Casework 

One of the most important jobs a representative has is helping constituents when they are having problems with Federal agencies.  Rep. Slaughter can assist you in the following areas:

If you need help with a problem you are having with a federal agency, please contact one of the district offices to initiate a casework request.

Here are a few quick questions to help you decide if I can assist you in your case:

Does your case involve a Federal agency?
As a Federal representative, Rep. Slaughter is able to make inquiries of Federal agencies.  If your case involves a state or local agency, please contact your state or local government representative for assistance.  You may find your state representative here .

Does the case you are concerned about involve you?
Due to privacy laws, Rep. Slaughter must have the written consent of the constituent in order to make an official inquiry.  However, she will be happy to listen to your concerns regarding a constituent who is having difficulty.  Please contact the office and outline the situation so that we can contact them directly and get their written consent.


Is your situation a legal dispute?
As a member of the Legislative Branch, Rep. Slaughter is unable to become involved in court cases or legal issues due to the Separation of Powers as outlined in the Constitution.  


Does your situation involve a law that you would like to see changed?
If you are advocating for a change in the law, please contact any of the district offices and leave your comment. It is not necessary for you to fill out a release of information form in order to request a change in the law. 

Is your case within the agency's normal processing time?
It is rare that a case can be "sped up" for any reason other than extreme hardship. If you believe your situation merits faster processing, please contact one of the district office's prior to filling out a release of information. The staff will discuss your situation and help you determine the proper strategy.

Once you have asked yourself these questions and determined that your case is something Rep. Slaughter can assist you with, please feel free to download and print a release of information form.  The form may then be mailed to one of our district offices.  The staff will then contact you confirm receipt of the release and to gather any further information that may be needed.  The inquiry will begin shortly after you are contacted.


If you are still unsure whether our office can assist you with your case, please contact one of the district offices.  The staff will discuss your situation with you and work with you to determine the best course of action.


Washington Office
U.S. House of Representatives
2469 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
(202) 225-3615 [phone]
(202) 225-7822 [fax]
Buffalo Office
465 Main Street
Suite 105
Buffalo, NY 14203
(716) 853-5813 [phone]
(716) 853-6347 [fax]
Niagara Falls Office
1910 Pine Avenue
Niagara Falls, NY 14301
(716) 282-1274 [phone]
(716) 282-2479 [fax]
Rochester Office
3120 Federal Building
100 State Street
Rochester, NY 14614
(585) 232-4850 [phone]
(585) 232-1954 [fax]