
Dryden Historic Aircraft

Where Are They Now? Want to know where you can see some of the most famous, cutting-edge aerospace vehicles ever flown? Fire-up the afterburner and cruise through this list to see where these historic NASA air and spacecraft have come home to roost.

X-1: An introduction to the first high-speed aircraft built purely for aviation research.

X-Planes Overview: A listing and overview of experimental aircraft flown at Dryden Flight Research Center including number of flights flown and program overviews.

X-Planes Overview (Flash): An interactive overview of experimental aircraft flown at Dryden Flight Research Center. (Macromedia Flash player 5 or greater is required.)

NASA's Famed B-52B "Mothership" Retirement : The end of an era in aerospace history was marked Friday, Dec. 17, when NASA retired its venerable B-52B "mothership" heavy-lift launch aircraft.

50th Anniversary of the X-2: September 2006 marks the 50th anniversary of two aerospace milestones that involved both triumph and tragedy for the flight test community at Edwards Air Force Base. It was in September 1956 that the highest and fastest flights of the Bell X-2, a swept-wing, rocket-powered research aircraft were flown. Sadly, the latter of those two missions cost the life of Air Force Capt. Milburn "Mel" Apt, one of the test pilots assigned to the project.

NASA's F-104 Starfighter: With a name like Starfighter, F-104s were destined to serve NASA in the extreme regime of high-speed flight research. NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center flew Lockheed F-104 Starfighter aircraft in a wide variety of missions beginning in August 1956. Over the next 38 years, 11 were operated by NASA Dryden, at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., with the last Starfighter flight taking place in February 1994.