Flag Request

Flag Requests

For more than 200 years, the American flag has been the symbol of our nation's strength and unity.  It has been a prominent icon in our national history. 

You may purchase an American flag to be flown over the U.S. Capitol to commemorate an anniversary, birthday, or other special occasion. Please follow the link below and fill out the PDF form [Adobe Reader®].  Mail the completed form with a check for the appropriate amount to Rep. Slaughter's Rochester office. Please make the check payable to: Office Supply Account, The Honorable Louise Slaughter.

For orders requesting a flag to be flown over the Capitol, please mail your order three weeks in advance of your desired flying date.  If you are ordering a flag to be flown over the Capitol, please provide the name of the person or organization for whom the flag is to be flown. If you would like the flag flown on a certain date, please specify the date.   The costs are the price of purchasing, a service charge assessed by the Architect of the Capitol on all flown flags, and postage.  A certificate of authenticity will be included with the flag.

Download PDF flag Order Form and mail back to the address below:

Flag Order Form [Adobe Reader®]

Representative Louise Slaughter

3120 Federal Building
100 State Street
Rochester, NY 14614