
110th Congress


Legislative discussion drafts and other documents regarding the Farm Bill have been moved to a new page.

Click here for the House Agriculture Committee's Farm Bill Homepage


Digest of bills within the jurisdiction of the Committee on which action has been taken:


H.R. 6849

A bill to amend the commodity provisions of the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 to permit producers to aggregate base acres and reconstitute farms to avoid the prohibition on receiving direct payments, counter-cyclical payments, or average crop revenue election payments when the sum of the base acres of a farm is 10 acres or less, and for other purposes. (Sponsors: Rep. Etheridge D-NC, Rep. Moran R-KS)

  • Adopted Amendments:

Section by Section of H.R. 6849

Statement of Chairman Peterson prior to consideration of the draft

Report accompanying H.R. 6849, including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office


H.R. ____, The Commodity Markets Transparency and Accountability Act of 2008

Draft legislation to increase transparency and oversight over futures and options markets (Committee approved, as amended, by voice vote, July 24, 2008)

  • Adopted Amendments:

Section by Section of the Commodity Markets Transparency and Accountability Act

Statement of Chairman Peterson prior to consideration of the draft


H.R. ____, The Commodity Futures Trading Commission Reauthorization Act of 2007

A Chairman's mark to reauthorize and amend the Commodity Exchange Act to promote legal certainty, enhance competition, and reduce systemic risk in markets for futures and over-the-counter derivatives. (Committee approved, as amended, by voice vote, December 12, 2007)

Section by Section of CFTC Reauthorization

Statement of Chairman Peterson during consideration of CFTC Reauthorization

Statement of Subcommittee Chairman Etheridge during consideration of CFTC reauthorization


H.J. Res. 15

A joint resolution recognizing the contributions of the Christmas tree industry to the U.S. economy.   (Passed Committee by voice vote and ordered to be reported favorably to the House with the recommendation that it pass, December 12, 2007)

Section by Section of H.J. Res 15


H.R. 1374

A bill to amend the Florida National Forest Land Management Act of 2003 to permit a land conveyance in the Apalachicola National Forest in Leon County, Florida.  (Passed Committee by voice vote and ordered to be reported favorably to the House with the recommendation that it pass, December 12, 2007)

Section by Section of H.R. 1374


H.R. 3454

A bill to permit a land conveyance of roughly 8 acres of the George Washington National Forest to the Central Advent Christian Church in Alleghany County, VA. (Passed Committee by voice vote and ordered to be reported favorably to the House with the recommendation that it pass, December 12, 2007)

Section by Section of H.R. 3454


H.Con.Res. 25

A concurrent resolution to expressing the sense of Congress that it is the goal of the United States that, not later than January 1, 2025, the agricultural, forestry, and working land of the United States should provide from renewable resources not less than 25 percent of the total energy consumed in the United States and continue to produce safe, abundant, and affordable food, feed, and fiber. (Passed Committee by voice vote and ordered to be reported favorably to the House with the recommendation that it pass, May 17, 2007)

Section by Section

Statement of Chairman Peterson during consideration of H.Con.Res. 25 (May 17, 2007)


H.R. 926

A bill to prohibit the provision of Federal economic development assistance for any State or locality that uses the power of eminent domain power to obtain property for private commercial development or that fails to pay relocation costs to persons displaced by use of the power of eminent domain for economic development purposes. (Passed Committee by voice vote and ordered to be reported favorably to the House with the recommendation that it pass, May 17, 2007)

Brief Explanation of H.R. 926

Section by Section

Statement of Chairman Peterson during consideration of H.R. 926 (May 17, 2007)


H.Res. 79

A resolution to recognize the establishment of Hunters for the Hungry programs across the United States and the contributions of those programs efforts to decrease hunger and help feed those in need. (Passed Committee by voice vote and ordered to be reported favorably to the House with the recommendation that it pass, May 17, 2007)

Section by section

Statement of Chairman Peterson during consideration of H.Res. 79 (May 17, 2007)





109th Congress Legislation Archive