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» Hoping to Recapture Some of 2000's Luster , July 26, 2004
At home, Maryland Democrats have been struggling with internal squabbles and an inconsistent message in the two years since losing the governor's mansion. But in Boston this week, several of the state's top Democrats will be thrust into the national spotlight at the party's convention.
» Maryland Lawmakers Gather for Democratic National Convention , July 25, 2004
The Democratic National Convention is underway in Boston - and several well-known Maryland lawmakers are on hand for the important event.
» Opening with optimism, July 25, 2004
THE DEMOCRATS opened their national convention last night, heeding the call to accentuate the positive but mindful that there is one reason for their extraordinary party unity.
» Session called unproductive, July 25, 2004
Congress, departing for its summer recess, left behind few achievements and a backlog of business to accomplish this fall amid election rancor, political analysts said.
» House panel backs 3.5 percent civil service pay raise , July 22, 2004
The House Appropriations Committee approved legislation Thursday that would provide equal pay adjustments for military and civilian federal employees in 2005.
» Hoyer balances demands of constituents, Capitol Hill, July 22, 2004
U.S. Rep. Steny Hoyer has a lot of ground to cover on any given day. Hoyer's district includes parts of Prince George's, Calvert, Charles and St. Mary's counties.
» Hoyer says Democrats could take back the House, July 22, 2004
House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) is grounding his claim that Democrats “are in striking distance” of taking back the House with a heavy statistical comparison to the Republican watershed election of 1994.
» Hoyer says Democrats could take back the House, July 22, 2004
House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) is grounding his claim that Democrats “are in striking distance” of taking back the House with a heavy statistical comparison to the Republican watershed election of 1994.
» Hoyer Says Political Trends Moving House Dems' Way, July 22, 2004
House Minority Whip Hoyer said Wednesday that positive generic polling numbers, promising Democratic candidates and an unproductive Republican-controlled Congress would boost Democratic chances of taking the House.
» Light Duty?, July 22, 2004
Could it be that House Minority Whip Steny H. Hoyer, D-Md., secretly wants a lame-duck session?
» Democrats Set to Assail Do-Nothing GOP Congress, July 20, 2004
With the Democratic National Convention just a week away, the mood of Congressional Democrats heading into their all-important political rally verges on the smug.
» Democrats Try To Push Reliability Standards But Lack Support, July 20, 2004
House Democrats will offer a discharge petition today in an attempt to force floor consideration of mandatory electricity reliability standards.
» Amendment Would Make Next Year's Civil Service Pay Raises Equal to Military's , July 19, 2004
Eight Washington area House members have announced plans to offer an amendment that would ensure civil service employees get the same raise next year as the military -- 3.5 percent.
» Pay parity amendment set for this week , July 19, 2004
A senior Democratic lawmaker will introduce an amendment later this week to grant federal civilian employees the same 3.5 percent pay raise that military personnel will receive in 2005.
» Hoyer Meets With Anti-Bush Defense Group, July 16, 2004
House Minority Whip Hoyer met today with members of the recently formed Diplomats and Military Commanders for Change, an organization dedicated to the electoral defeat of President Bush made up of a bipartisan group of 27 former government and military officials.
» Dems call for simpler taxes, July 15, 2004
House Democrats plan to take the argument for tax simplification to voters this fall, thus venturing into traditional Republican territory.
» Democrats' Challenge on Tax Complexity, July 14, 2004
House Democrats, led by Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, intend to make rising tax complexity an election year issue.
» Hoyer Continues His Criticism Of GOP Majority's Stewardship, July 14, 2004
House Minority Whip Hoyer criticized GOP leaders Tuesday for what he called an "abuse of power" for holding floor votes open until the majority position prevails.
» Hoyer Offers Preview Of Dem Strategy In House Tax Debate, July 14, 2004
House Minority Whip Hoyer charged Tuesday that Republican tax cuts enacted over the last four years have added layers of complexity to the tax code, offering a preview of the Democratic message as House members debate tax policy this week and next.
» TAX FACTS: Top House Democrats Enter Tax Reform Fray , July 13, 2004
House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, D-Md., said Tuesday he would push fellow Democrats to put an overhaul of the U.S. tax system at the top of their agenda if they regain control of the House in the November elections.
» Political Drama in US Congress Points to Increasing Partisan Discord in Washington, July 09, 2004
An extraordinary political drama played out this past week in the U.S. House of Representatives as Democratic and Republican lawmakers feuded over a proposal aimed at watering down part of a key law passed after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
» Analysis: Budget delays and political hopes, July 08, 2004
The annual appropriations process in the U.S. Senate has ground to a halt as Republican leaders put off floor action on federal-budget matters until at least September for potential political gain, but they are playing a dangerous game.
» Kerry Taps Fellow Senator Edwards as Running Mate, July 06, 2004
Ending months of suspense, Sen. John Kerry on Tuesday turned to his vanquished primary election rival, fellow Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina, as his running mate for this fall’s presidential campaign.
» Budget Impasse Reflects GOP Schism , June 30, 2004
A deep rift in the Republican Party has left Congress unable to pass a budget this year, raising the probability that, for the third time in three decades, lawmakers will not agree on a detailed blueprint for government spending and tax policy.
» Budget Vote Leaves Some Grumbling, June 28, 2004
House Republicans endured a rare legislative setback last week, as dozens of their own Members voted with Democrats to kill a budget enforcement measure that some GOP leaders were reluctant to bring to the floor in the first place.


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