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Remote Sensing Applications Center

Remote Sensing Applications Center
2222 W. 2300 South
Salt Lake City, UT
84119 - 2020
phone: (801) 975-3750
fax: (801) 975-3478

 United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.USDA logo which links to the department's national site.Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.

Programs and Services

Federal Programs Liaison
[Photograph] Earth with satellites - from NIMA RSAC is a liaison with other Federal programs utilizing remote sensing including NASA, Department of the Interior, Department of Defense, National Geospatial–Intelligence Agency, Department of Energy, FEMA, and US Geological Survey. This enables the Forest Service to leverage advanced technology and techniques already being employed for a variety of missions including emergency response and recovery (wildland fire, severe wind events, floods, ice storms).

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