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Democrats pleased with job growth but add there's a long way to go

by Staff
Associated Press

April 02, 2004

Capitol Hill-AP -- Congressional Democrats say they're pleased with the big jump in the number of jobs created last month.

But they warn it's just a drop in the bucket compared to the (m) millions that have been lost during the Bush administration.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (puh-LOH'-see) says she's "delighted" that more than 300-thousand jobs were created. But she notes that no jobs were created in the manufacturing sector.

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer says the good numbers don't mean the administration now has a successful economic policy.

He says that even if the economy added this number of jobs every month for the rest of the year, the president has lost so many jobs until now that he would barely break even on job creation for his entire term.

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