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Archive for the ‘Regional Licensing Consortium’ Category

October Breezing Along with the RML

Tuesday, October 21st, 2008

Click here to watch the archived session: Dana Abbey, Colorado/Consumer Health Liaison and John Bramble, Utah/Network Membership Liaison rounded out the year. Dana presented on the changes and enhancements to PubMed, including My NCBI, advanced searching, and automatic term mapping. John held a lively discussion with Members on effective strategies for negotiating electronic resources. This discussion will lead to four online synchronous and asynchronous classes on effective strategies and the fundamentals of licensing electronic resources. [rb]

Free trials of DynaMed, FIRSTConsult, MDConsult, NursingConsult available to MCR Network Members

Thursday, November 30th, 2006

The MidContinental Regional Licensing Consortium is pleased to announce free trials for DynaMed, FIRSTConsult, MDConsult, and Mosby’s NursingConsult are now available to Network Members.

If you are interested in a free trial of any of these products, please go to our web page at and click on “Trials Available for Sign Up”. While there, please note the Deadlines for signing up for the trials!

You will be directed to fill out and submit a short online form for each product. Once the form has been submitted, a representative from the product’s sales team will contact with you.

If there is enough interest in these products, the Consortium will negotiate with vendors for reduced pricing on behalf of our network member libraries.