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Archive for the ‘Featured’ Category

MLA Health Information Literacy Curriculum

Tuesday, November 25th, 2008

In September 2006, the Medical Library Association (MLA) was awarded a two-year contract by the National Library of Medicine to study aspects of health information literacy in hospital libraries. The Health Information Literacy Curriculum was developed as part of this Health Information Literacy Research Project. It includes a Powerpoint slide show (20-40 minute version and 40-50 minute version), a detailed script, notes for presenters, background reading, and tips for librarians - which are direct quotes from the pilot site librarians that tested the curriculum and reflect lessons learned.

Please send any feedback about the curriculum to Jean Pugh Shipman, Co-Principal Investigator for the project, at[da]

Continuity of Health Information Award

Monday, November 3rd, 2008

Deadline: No later than Feb. 1, 2009.

The National Network of Libraries of Medicine MidContinental Region (NN/LM MCR) is accepting proposals for the Continuity of Health Information Award. The purpose is to fund innovative projects in three areas:

  • Advocacy
  • Health Information Literacy
  • Emergency Preparedness

This solicitation asks Network members to choose one focus area and develop a project that will be funded up to $15,000. Full and affiliate members (with the exception of Resource Libraries) are eligible to apply. Further information is at at: Proposals not funded may be resubmitted in subsequent years. Project awards to be announced Mar. 1, 2009 with project completion by Nov. 1, 2010.
If you have questions, or require assistance call 1-800-338-7657 or contact these liaisons who have details:
Marty Magee
Barb Jones
Siobhan Champ Blackwell
John Bramble
Jim Honour
Dana Abbey

Contact Information: http://nnlm/gov/mcr/about/staff.html. jh

Racial and Ethnic Brochures Updated

Friday, October 31st, 2008

A series of four trifold brochures that focus on health concerns for each of the four federally designated racial and ethnic populations have been updated. Take a look at the PDF files and download them for use at your institution - have as handouts for patrons, use them at trainings and health fairs, email the link to community and public health organizations! [scb]