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Uses of Energy

Residential- homes
Commercial - buildings
Industry and Manufacturing
Transportation- cars, trucks, planes, etc.

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The United States is a highly developed and industrialized society. We use a lot of energy - in our homes, in businesses, in industry, and for traveling between all these different places.

The industrial sector uses about one-third of the total energy. The residential and commercial sectors combined use 0 percent of all energy. These two sectors include all

Image of the four major energy use sectors: 
Industrial sector with 33 percent, 
Transportation sector with 28 percent,
Residential sector with 21 percent, and 
Commercial sector with 18 percent industrial and manufacturing uses of energy make up 33% transportation uses of energy make up 27% energy use in homes makes up 22% commercial uses of energy make up 18%

types of buildings, such as houses, offices, stores, restaurants, and places of worship. Energy used for transportation accounts for more than a quarter of all energy.

Share of Energy Consumed
Major Sectors of the Economy

Note:Due to rounding, data may not sum to exactly 100 percent.

Last Revised: October 2007
Source: Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Review 2006, Washington, DC, June 2007.


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