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Rep. Israel Statement on the House Resolution Supporting Israel

Washington, DC – On Friday, Rep. Steve Israel voted in favor of H. Res. 34, “Supporting Israel in Its Battle with Terrorist Hamas.” The resolution was agreed to in the House of Representatives. Rep. Israel released the following statement:

"Today, I voted in favor of a resolution in the House of Representatives supporting Israel and calling for a sustainable resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Israel unconditionally left Gaza in the hopes that Palestinian leaders would build a State, build an economy, and build hope for their people. Instead, Hamas built Qassam and Katyusha rockets and fired them on innocent Israeli families. Israel is doing what any nation on earth would do under similar circumstances: defending its people from attacks by a neighbor sworn to its destruction. The acts of violence executed by Hamas are victimizing Israeli and Palestinian families alike. It's now time for responsible Palestinian and Arab leaders to assertively reject Hamas' strategy of destruction and attacks so there can be long-term peace and stability in the region."