Many Voices Working for the Community

Oak Ridge
Site Specific Advisory Board

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Approved August 11, 2007 Meeting Minutes


The Oak Ridge Site Specific Advisory Board (ORSSAB) held its monthly meeting on Saturday, August 11, 2007 at Rothchild Catering, 8807 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, Tenn., beginning at 3:15 p.m.


Members Present

Ben Adams, Secretary

Bill Bass

Rhonda Bogard

Darryl Bonner

John Coffman

Steve Dixon

Hubert Gibson1

Ashlyn Hall1

Mike Haygood

Charles Jensen

Ted Lundy

David Martin

Gloria Mei

Lance Mezga, Chair

Ron Murphree

Tim Myrick

Robert Olson

Sondra Sarten

Steve Stow

Jan Teague


Members Absent

Kevin Westervelt


1Student Representative


Deputy Designated Federal Officer and Liaisons Present

Dave Adler, Liaison, Department of Energy – Oak Ridge Office (DOE-ORO)

Pat Halsey, Federal Coordinator, DOE-ORO

Steve McCracken, Deputy Designated Federal Officer, DOE-ORO Assistant Manager for Environmental Management


Others Present

Becky Brunton, Spectrum

Luther Gibson, former ORSSAB member

Spencer Gross, Spectrum

Norman Mulvenon, former ORSSAB member

Pete Osborne, Spectrum

Sandy Reagan, former ORSSAB member

Ralph Skinner, DOE-ORO


Deputy Designated Federal Officer and Liaison Comments

Mr. McCracken remarked that during the Core Hole 8 presentation scheduled for the board’s September meeting DOE will not only provide details on the project from a technical perspective but will also explain its priority in terms of budgeting and prioritization.


Public Comment

Mr. Gibson said this was the ninth retreat that he had attended and felt it was the right amount of time to discuss the workings of the board and develop the FY 2008 work plan.


Ms. Reagan said the current makeup of the board has a good mix of technical and professional knowledge. She said it was a good opportunity for the new members and they should make the best of their time on the board.


Announcements and Other Board Business

The next meeting will be Wednesday, September 12 at 6 p.m. at the DOE Information Center. The meeting presentation will be an update on Corehole 8 at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.


The minutes of the July 11, 2007, meeting were approved.


Election of FY 2008 Officers – Mr. Dixon representing the Nominating Committee submitted a slate of candidates: Secretary, Ted Lundy; Vice-chair, Steve Dixon; Chair, Lance Mezga. Mr. Mezga asked for nominations from the floor. None were forthcoming. The slate of candidates was approved.


Federal Coordinator Report

Ms. Halsey noted that plenty of funding is available for members who wish to attend the fall EM SSAB Chairs Meeting in Paducah, September 26 and 27. She asked staff to email the agenda to board members.


Additions to the Agenda

Mr. Myrick reported that he had been asked to work on revising the bylaws since there were extensive suggested revisions to the bylaws by DOE Headquarters. He said it would be difficult to work through all of the suggested revisions to receive agreement among all the board members. He suggested two options. One would be to adopt Robert’s Rules of Order, which DOE Headquarters would accept as operating guidelines. The other option would be to use model language provided by DOE and make the parts of the language specific to ORSSAB. He recommended using the model language.


Mr. Dixon moved to have Mr. Myrick use the model language and make it specific to ORSSAB and have a first draft ready for the board to review at the September meeting. Mr. Adams seconded. The motion passed.


Mr. Olson asked about the ORSSAB voting procedure, which was adopted at the April meeting. Mr. Myrick said that is one of the things that would be made specific to ORSSAB.





Mr. Myrick moved to approve the agenda. Mr. Dixon seconded and the motion passed unanimously.



Mr. Adams moved to approve the minutes of the July 17 meeting. Mr. Bonner seconded and the motion passed unanimously.



Mr. Dixon moved to approve the slate of candidates for officers for FY 2008. Mr. Stow seconded and the motion passed unanimously.



Mr. Dixon moved to have Mr. Myrick provide a revised set of bylaws based on model language suggested by DOE Headquarters. Mr. Adams seconded and the motion passed 17 to 1 (Ms. Bogard voted no).


The meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.


Action Items


  1. Mr. Myrick will submit revised bylaws for first reading at the September 2007 meeting.


  1. Staff will email the Chairs Meeting agenda to board members.