Map of Lander County

Inside Yucca Mountain

Tunnel inside Yucca Mountain.


Riding the train inside Yucca Mountain.

Rail road inside Yucca Mountain is used to transport people and equipment.


Lander County, along with Esmeralda, Churchill and Mineral filed joint contentions on December 19, 2008. As " Affected Units of Local Government" (AULG) and pursuant to the Nuclear Waste Policy Act, as amended. (42 U.S.c. §10247 et seq.) and pursuant to Nuclear Regulatory Commission Federal Register Notice Vol. 73, No. 205, dated October 22,2008, "any AULG seeking party status shall be considered a party to this proceeding, provided that it files at least one admissible contention in accordance with 10 CFR 2.309. An AULG need not address the standing requirements under that section."

Four counties petitions to intervene (due to large file sizes the petition is broken into 6 sections):

Section 1

Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Section 6


About Us

As one of the designated Affected Units of Local Government (AUG), Lander County maintains this website to inform citizens about issues related to the proposed Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository planned 90 miles north of Las Vegas. This website will also continue to update as activities and decisions happen that concern the potential transportation of nuclear waste in Lander County and Nevada.

This website contains documents, photos, maps, and more about the history and current developments concerning the Yucca Mountain Repository program. If you have any questions or suggestions please contacts us.

The Lander County repository oversight program office is located in Austin, Nevada with a smaller office maintained in Battle Mountain for the Board of County Commissioners. Primary tasks include: grant administration, financial management, and overall program implementation, communication and coordination with other Lander County departments.

Program Oversight Activities

The primary function of oversight activities is to attend program related meetings, conferences and workshops, monitor program activities, review studies and other related information and provide periodic reports to the Lander County Board of County Commissioners. Oversight functions will be administered by county staff, elected officials and the planning consultant.

Lander County anticipates coordination with or attendance at meetings with the following entities:

  • Department of Energy
  • State of Nevada-Commission on Nuclear Projects
  • Tribal and Local Governments
  • Nuclear Regulatory Commission
  • Western Interstate Energy Board
  • Transportation Coordination Group
  • Transportation External Coordinating Group
  • Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board
  • Transportation Protocol Working Group

Transportation Routing

One of the rail routes that is currently identified in the Yucca Mountain EIS travels from the north end of Lander County continuing south to the Lander County boundary line. Lander County will monitor and study impacts on the county and it's residents in the event that this railway is constructed as well as:

  • Monitor highway route designations and points of entry into Nevada
  • Monitor rail routing and access to Yucca Mountain
  • Identify and review routing studies to Yucca Mountain
  • Identify the number of potential shipments to Yucca Mountain
  • Identify potential risk related impacts associated with transportation of nuclear waste to the repository
  • Identify research on stigma associated with transportation activities
  • Identify other nuclear waste shipments including defense waste shipment scheduled for Yucca Mountain and the Nevada Test Site.

The U.S. Department of Energy submitted an 8,600-page application to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission June, 2008 to store nuclear waste underground at Yucca Mountain in Nevada.

News link


Please visit our new Link which tracks the hearings associated with the department of energy's (DOE) license application (LA).

thumbnail icon of new website for tracking the hearings

Department of Energy's Record of Decision and Floodplain Statement of Findings - Nevada Rail Alignment for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste at Yucca Mountain, Nye County, Nevada ("ROD") e-filed October 9th, 2008 with the STB in FD 35106. 

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has formally docketed the Department of Energy’s license application for the proposed high-level nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nev. The agency staff has also recommended that the Commission adopt, with further supplementation, DOE’s Environmental Impact Statement for the repository project.

COMMISSION [Docket No. 63–001; CLI–08–25] In the Matter of U.S. Department of Energy (High Level Waste Repository); Notice of Hearing and Opportunity To
Petition for Leave To Intervene on an Application for Authority To Construct a Geologic Repository at a Geologic Repository Operations Area at Yucca Mountain

Aerial view of Yucca Mtn.

Aerial view of Yucca Mountain.

Aerial view of Yucca Mtn.

Yucca Mountain rift.

Early construction of the Yucca Mtn. tunnel.

Tunnel opening in Yucca Mountain.

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