National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 510] News from the Special Collection

Marie Cora marie.cora at
Wed Sep 20 09:05:45 EDT 2006

Good morning, afternoon, and evening to you all.

I would like to let you know that some final revisions have been made to
the new Special Collection in Assessment website. You can find the
Collection at:

These final revisions should be helpful to users:

On the homepage, click on About This Site in the right toolbar; this
provides you with an overview of the Collection and its features, as
well as a brief history of the Special Collection and information on the
CKG (Core Knowledge Group) - who are responsible for poplulating the
site with quality resources. A listing of CKG members, past and
present, is also there.

A number of international resources have been added; these are sprinkled
throughout the Collection - click on the 'roles' and look in the areas
entitled "Program Planning" or "Planning Assessment". International
resources are identified by name at the end of the abstract: i.e.:
(New Zealand). Presently, resources from Canada, Australia, and New
Zealand are offered.

Click on Links & Directories in the right toolbar on the homepage; many
more links have been added here and they have been organized according
to topic areas including
International Resources,
<> K-12 Resources,
and <>
Research Organizations, as well as a wealth of resources focused
directly on adult education, evaluation and testing. I hope that this
re-organization of the links will be easier for the user than searching
down a lengthy, alphabetized listing.

Do you have suggestions for the Collection? Do you have resources or
links in mind that you think should be a part of the Collection? Do you
have a glossary that you think should be linked to the Collection? Do
you have feedback for what's missing at the Collection? The least
number of resources is in the Student area - what should be in this
section? How can the Collection be improved to best suit your needs?
Please let me know - this site is for your use, you should be a part of
building it.

I would like to send out a special thank you to Chris Cugino, Web
Specialist at the Ohio Literacy Resource Center - Chris' work and
creativity on the Collection are much appreciated!!


Marie Cora
NIFL Assessment Discussion List Moderator
marie.cora at
Coordinator, LINCS Assessment Special Collection

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