National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 470] Family Literacy List Guest Discussion

Marie Cora marie.cora at
Tue Aug 29 10:51:52 EDT 2006

Dear Colleagues,
The following announcement comes from Gail Price, Moderator of the
Family Literacy Discussion List. To participate in the discussion, sign
up for the Family Literacy Discussion List at

Marie Cora
Assessment Discussion List Moderator

On September 11th through the 13th, Cyndy Colletti, Literacy Program
Manager at the Illinois State Library, will join the Family Literacy
Discussion List as a guest speaker/discussion leader. Cyndy's topic will
be "Implementing Interactive Parent Child Activities"-- a topic of much
interest to those working with families.

Cyndy's biography is given below. Before she begins her discussion on
September 11, I will post some questions for your consideration. They
will be the questions that will guide Cyndy's discussion.

We look forward to having Cyndy join us and know that you will make her
time with us rewarding and valuable by responding to her comments and
questions. I will remind you of this discussion again as we get closer
to the date.

Read on for Cyndy's biography.

Cyndy Colletti, currently the Literacy Program Manager at the Illinois
State Library (ISL), worked as the Family Literacy Coordinator at ISL
for nine years. In that position, she was responsible for comprehensive
grant administration including developing and implementing the Family
Literacy Grant Program, a comprehensive five component program including
library services as the fifth component. The Illinois State Library has
consistently funded between 40 and 55 family literacy projects annually
since 1991. She has worked cooperatively with the practitioners in
Illinois to develop programmatic resources for the Family Literacy
projects such as parent-child activities (The Story Kits, online at
<> are an
example.) and workshops on other issues vital to family literacy. She
has a master's degree from the University of Illinois and more than 20
years experience in the field of adult education and literacy and social
service. Her current responsibility as Literacy Program Manager includes
grants management and facilitating the effectiveness of program
implementation on the local level by providing resource materials,
training and support for local adult education and family literacy
providers throughout Illinois.

Gail J. Price
Multimedia Specialist
National Center for Family Literacy
325 West Main Street, Suite 300
Louisville, KY 40205

Phone: 502 584-1133, ext. 112
Fax: 502 584-0172

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