National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 419] Guest in Workplace Literacy next week

Marie Cora marie.cora at
Thu Jul 20 22:11:29 EDT 2006

Dear Colleagues,

Please note the up-coming Guest Discussion on the Workplace Literacy
List from Moderator Donna Brian.

Marie Cora
Assessment Discussion List Moderator

Guest Discussion: Workplace Literacy

Monday, July 24 - Friday, July 28

Guest: Alison Campbell - please see Alison's bio below

To subscribe to the Workplace List, go to


Next week, Monday July 24 - Friday July 28, we are privileged to have ,
as a guest on the Workplace Literacy Discussion List , Alison Campbell
of the Conference Board of Canada. Many of you already know of her work,
but for those of you who don't, she has 3 websites that I consider
sister sites of the Workforce Education site. Where our Workforce site
is geared more toward adult education instructors with a workforce
focus, her sites are geared more toward business and industry employers
who want and/or need to upgrade their workers' literacy skills. The
Conference Board is also responsible for quite a lot of good research
which Alison has been a part of.



Alison Campbell

Alison Campbell is a Senior Research Associate with the Education and
Learning practice at The Conference Board of Canada. She acts as lead
researcher, author and web site manager on various research projects in
the area of workplace education and learning. This year, Alison is also
managing the Conference Board's International Workplace Education and
Learning Conference: Sharing Global Solutions (Toronto, December 5-6,

In 2005, Alison authored Profiting from Literacy: Creating a Sustainable
Workplace Literacy Program and co-authored Literacy, Life and
Employment: An Analysis of Canadian International Adult Literacy Survey
(IALS) Microdata. In 2003, Alison authored Strength from Within:
Overcoming the Barriers to Workplace Literacy Development as part of a
national research study on the challenges employers face in designing
and implementing workplace literacy and basic skills programs. In 2002,
she co-managed a national study in the U.S. on the impacts of joint
labor-management education programs. She co-authored the final report:
Success by Design: What Works in Workforce Development. Alison currently
manages a pilot project on the benefits of a national credit review
service to improve credentialing opportunities for workplace education.

Her work on workplace literacy and basic skills development extends
beyond Canada to the United States. Alison manages and makes updates to <outbind://63/> , <outbind://63/>
<outbind://63/> - a suite of web sites
funded by the U.S. Department of Education that act as free resources to
American employers and their partners who wish to improve employees'


As you can tell from her bio, Alison has expertise in many areas of
workplace literacy. Attached to this message is a complete listing of
her publications and presentations, which are available for free
download on the Conference Board site. You must, however, register with
the site to access them. (Sign in at and when you have
the option, browse documents by "author" choosing "Campbell, Alison.")
Access to the web sites does not require registration, and they are
linked in her bio above. Alison is willing to discuss with us any of the
areas of workplace literacy on her web sites or in her publications. It
should be a wide-ranging discussion! I hope you will be able to


Donna Brian, moderator
Workplace Literacy Discussion List
Center for Literacy Studies at The University of Tennessee
djgbrian at

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