National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 381] Re: Math as a puzzle, or swimming

Varshna Narumanchi-Jackson varshna at
Fri Jun 23 14:09:55 EDT 2006

I¹ve found that reading about writing from prolific and successful writers ‹
their struggles, methods, anxiety ‹ has been inspirational.

A recent website I visited is Thomas Sowell¹s page on his own experiences as
a writer ( I just want to make
the disclaimer that if you¹re an editor or have editorial aspirations (like
me), you will probably want to skip the parts he has to say about working
with editors, copywriters, and the rest of the publishing world...While he
is humorous(!) and takes a light-hearted approach, it¹s hit home a couple of

Good luck, and keep writing!

on 6/23/06 12:57 PM, Marie Cora at marie.cora at wrote:

> The following post is from Bertha Mo.


> Marie Cora



> I attended some of San Francisco's best public schools and so I thought I was

> to blame for my learning anxieties.


> I really didn't understand the process and mechanics of writing until I

> participated in the Bay Area Writer's Process while I was struggling with my

> Ph.D. dissertation.


> Here are some of the things I learned about writing and learning almost

> anything:


> 1) Writing (learning) is a process


> 2) Remote writing, mind mapping, experimentation all help one to relax...use

> colors or crayons to begin if that will relax you...


> 2) Writing need not be an isolating and lonely process...writing can be and

> probably should be shared.


> 3) Finished, published products have been shared with many people before

> reaching your eyes.


> 4) "Writing Prose" is the book that helped me crack a pretty serious writing

> anxiety.


> Bertie

> Bertha Mo




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