National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment] National Reading Conference - J. Michael Parker Award

Jacobson, Erik EJacobson at
Mon Feb 6 17:52:16 EST 2006

National Reading Conference - J. Michael Parker Award

The National Reading Conference (NRC) - 56th Annual Meeting will take
place in Los Angeles, CA, from November 29 to December 2, 2006. The
conference covers a wide range of literacy related topics, including
sessions on adult literacy. Information about the annual meeting is
available at I encourage adult literacy
researchers to join the dialogue at the meeting and to consider
submitting proposals

In addition, to encourage research on adult literacy, NRC has
established the J. Michael Parker Award. This award is given to graduate
students and untenured professors who present research on adult learning
or education at the annual meeting. More information and submission
guidelines are available in the meeting's Call for Proposals -

Erik Jacobson

Chair, J. Michael Parker Award Committee

National Reading Conference

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