National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment] EFF and CASAS Assessment

MWPotts2001 at MWPotts2001 at
Wed Jan 11 13:37:32 EST 2006


Thank you for your explanations re: the differences between EFF and CASAS
and the cautions about mixing apples and oranges. I have carried around your
former posts on this subject because I work with groups who are mandated to
use both EFF and CASAS, and it is not easy trying to help them with assessment
problems. It has become more than a problem; it is now an issue.

In light of Linda's posting, I am wondering how the two of you might help us
find ways to work more satisfactorily so that we are not at odds, rather more
in sync as we struggle to include the best of both? Is it possible, after
all, that the fruit salad might be a variety of apples, say Macintosh and
Jonathan, rather than apples and oranges? I confess ignorance and plead for

In the absence of a twofold assessment design that gratifies the needs of
the programs and states who are mandated to use both EFF and CASAS, I have been
trying to help people use portfolio assessment, in which they demonstrate
mastery of the EFF reading purposes (or Math purposes) and the CASAS
competencies, which seem (and I emphasize seem) to be located at the same level of
expertise. This has worked for us, and students have accomplished their goals of
moving (slowly) along the EFF continuum. We are at the novice stage,
however, with this kind of assessment.

Teachers still struggle with questions, such as *How many entries are good
enough to demonstrate mastery?* And *What can we include that will
demonstrate the range of fluency, independence, and the ability to perform in a variety
of settings?* And more.

So help us, please.

Thanks and All the Best,

Meta Potts
FOCUS on Literacy
Glen Allen, VA

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