National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment] EFF and CASAS Assessment

Howard L. Dooley, Jr. hdooley at
Wed Jan 11 14:24:33 EST 2006

Meta -- Thank you for your post. I am always heartened when I hear and
see that others are fighting the same good fight, and have come to
similar conclusions as our own. At my program we have been
investigating portfolios (we call them folders) as a way of doing (or
organizing, or collecting) non-NRS assessments, and one that helps
instructors and learners align curriculum with instruction with
assessment. "Alignment" to me means making sure that assessment,
instruction and curriculum are all relevant and meaningful to all
participants. I think the salad analogy holds for any program or class
where the standards used don't come with ready-made assessments. States
that have developed content standards, have programs using the TABE, the
CASAS, the BEST, even the GED or EDP, and, voila!, alignment issues
arise. I truly believe this issue, that of alignment, is the more
important issue (more important than which set of standards or which
assessements we decide / are mandated to use), and the issue that most
of us will confront in our programs, and continually confront since
staff comes and goes so regularly.

As I read your last paragraph, I appreciate your struggle. We struggle,
too. It is important for me to remember that the portfolios are not for
the funder (as often the CASAS or TABE or BEST are); they are for
learner, and the questions that arise with them need answers that are
learner determined. The learners should decide how many is enough, how
good is good enough, what demonstrations are appropriate. I don't
believe these decisions need to hold across classes, or sites, or
programs. Consistency of form and process is good, of course, it will
help your administrators to understand what is going on, and help your
teachers to share thoughts and ideas. Over the semesters, your teachers
may find that the rubrics and checklists used each time are pretty darn
similar -- or not. And of course, if you find that your portfolio
assessment indicates better reading but your CASAS score doesn't, then
you'll need some reflection and re-alignment. But, by and large, I
think you'll find you won't, because by and large you have sincere and
experienced instructors, and you can trust their science and their art.

I hope to hear more about how the struggles go, and what good ideas we
can share with you as we move ahead.

Howard D.
Project RIRAL

MWPotts2001 at wrote:

> Regie,


> Thank you for your explanations re: the differences between EFF and

> CASAS and the cautions about mixing apples and oranges. I have

> carried around your former posts on this subject because I work with

> groups who are mandated to use both EFF and CASAS, and it is not easy

> trying to help them with assessment problems. It has become more than

> a problem; it is now an issue.


> In light of Linda's posting, I am wondering how the two of you might

> help us find ways to work more satisfactorily so that we are not at

> odds, rather more in sync as we struggle to include the best of both?

> Is it possible, after all, that the fruit salad might be a variety of

> apples, say Macintosh and Jonathan, rather than apples and oranges? I

> confess ignorance and plead for enlightenment.


> In the absence of a twofold assessment design that gratifies the needs

> of the programs and states who are mandated to use both EFF and CASAS,

> I have been trying to help people use portfolio assessment, in which

> they demonstrate mastery of the EFF reading purposes (or Math

> purposes) and the CASAS competencies, which seem (and I emphasize

> seem) to be located at the same level of expertise. This has worked

> for us, and students have accomplished their goals of moving (slowly)

> along the EFF continuum. We are at the novice stage, however, with

> this kind of assessment.


> Teachers still struggle with questions, such as *How many entries are

> good enough to demonstrate mastery?* And *What can we include that

> will demonstrate the range of fluency, independence, and the ability

> to perform in a variety of settings?* And more.


> So help us, please.


> Thanks and All the Best,


> Meta Potts

> FOCUS on Literacy

> Glen Allen, VA










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