National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 555] Poverty, Race, Women and Literacy

Marie Cora marie.cora at
Fri Nov 3 10:52:08 EST 2006

Dear List members,

You may have heard that the National Institute for Literacy is combining
the Poverty, Race, and Literacy Discussion List with the Women and
Literacy Discussion List. Below is an invitation from the moderator of
the new list, Daphne Greenburg, to join. Please read on.....

On November 6th, a new list will be starting called: Poverty, Race,
Women, and Literacy. If you are interested in subscribing, please to do
so by going to:

The purpose of this list is to provide an on-going professional
development forum for providers, advocates, researchers, learners,
policy makers, and all other persons who are interested in exploring the
linkages between poverty, race, women and literacy. Examples of topics
include: the relationships among poverty, race, women and literacy in
the United States and in other countries; health as it pertains to women
and poverty issues; the hidden rules of persons living with the effects
of poverty, the intersection of these effects with gender and race, and
the misunderstandings these can cause in the teaching/learning process;
the role of women's literacy in family literacy programs, and the
assumptions about race and poverty often made in these programs;
domestic violence and its intersection with poverty, race, and literacy;
women's literacy levels and its ties to economics and welfare of
families; access to literacy in different cultures based on gender,
racial, and economic status; connection between women's literacy, race,
poverty and public policy; identification of supportive communication
networks; and discussion of action steps addressing women, race, poverty
and literacy.

If the above description interests you, please go to the following
address to subscribe: . The list opens
on November 6th.


Daphne Greenberg
Assistant Professor
Educational Psych. & Special Ed.
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 3979
Atlanta, Georgia 30302-3979
phone: 404-651-0127
dgreenberg at

Daphne Greenberg
Associate Director
Center for the Study of Adult Literacy
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 3977
Atlanta, Georgia 30302-3977
phone: 404-651-0127
dgreenberg at

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