National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 351] FW: [Moderators 761] Discussion on Health Lit: June 19, Health Literacy Study Circles+

Marie Cora marie.cora at
Wed Jun 14 07:17:40 EDT 2006

Hi again!

Lots of interesting things going on on the Lists these days!

The Health Literacy List is hosting the following discussion. Moderator
Julie McKinney notes:

"The Health Literacy Study Circles+ is a method of training
teachers which may draw some interesting conversation. It would also
relate to ESOL and Family Literacy, given the population of literacy
students who participated in this pilot. It is about teaching basic
skills with health literacy as the context."

This should certainly be of interest to some of you, please take

To subscribe to this Discussion, go to:

marie cora

I am happy to announce a discussion next week on the Health Literacy
list. We will be
talking about the Health Literacy Study Circles+, a series of
facilitator guides published by NCSALL, which introduces teachers to a
skills-based approach
to Health Literacy.

Our guest speakers will be Winston Lawrence, senior professional
development associate with the Literacy Assistance Center in New York
City, and Lisa Soricone, a research associate and former fellow at the
National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy (NCSALL).

Together they piloted these study circles with adult learners in New
York City, and wrote about their experience through an interview in
"Focus on Basics" (FOB). Please see this article for more information
about the study circles, and to prepare for this discussion:

A Conversation with FOB: Learning How to Teach Health Literacy

We look forward to our first formal discussion on the Health Literacy
List! Please pass on this information to any colleagues who may be
interested, they can join the list (and then unsubscribe afterwards if
they wish) at the following link:

Julie McKinney
Discussion List Moderator
World Education/NCSALL
jmckinney at

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