National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 558] New Focus on Basics

Kaye Beall kabeall at
Wed Nov 29 17:15:28 EST 2006

It's with pleasure and sadness that I announce that there's a new issue of
"Focus on Basics" now available at

The pleasure? It's a great issue. The sadness, it's the last issue.

It includes articles from a variety of NCSALL researchers on their research:

--John Strucker on the need for curriculum structure --Steve Reder and Clare
Strawn on the tendency for adults without high school diplomas to study on
there own, and what that means for adult basic education. (Molly Robertson
and Lauri Schoneck write about programs that capitalize on the motivation to
"self-study") --John Tyler on whether GED attainers are entering
postsecondary education at a rate on par with regular high school completers
--Rima Rudd and Jennie Anderson on why it's so hard to find your way around
in healthcare facilities and what we can do about it --Cristine Smith, Mary
Beth Bingman, and Kaye Beall on lessons learned from ten years of
disseminating research Enjoy!

After ten years of research and development, the National Center for the
Study of Adult Learning and Literacy (NCSALL) project is coming to an end.
NCSALL's dissemination efforts will end in March 2007. The Web site
( will remain available for free downloading of NCSALL

Due to our limited budget, we have discontinued the production of Focus on

 Volume 8, Issue B, "Learners' Experiences" was the last issue
published in print.

Subscribers: Your subscription(s) of "Focus on Basics" ends with this issue
and we will issue a refund for undelivered issue(s). You will receive an
email from Caye Caplan that will explain how to file for a refund.

 Volume 8, Issue C, "Self-Study, Health, GED to Postsecondary,
Disseminating Research" is the last issue of Focus on Basics. It is the only
issue to be "internet only". It is posted on NCSALL's Web site only at

 All issues of "Focus on Basics" will continue to be available on
the NCSALL website at

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support
throughout the years. We hope that you find "Focus on Basics" useful and
will continue to use it as a staff development tool and for program design
guidance. If you have any questions about the refund process, please
contact Caye Caplan at ccaplan at

Barb Garner

Editor, "Focus on Basics"


Kaye Beall

World Education

4401 S. Madison St.

Muncie, IN 47302

Tel: 765-717-3942

Fax: 208-694-8262

kaye_beall at

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