National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 514] Meeting of the Minds II Symposium

Taylor, Jackie jataylor at
Thu Sep 21 23:04:35 EDT 2006

Hi All, I thought this might be of interest to you! Please read on ~
Jackie Taylor


National Adult Education Researcher-Practitioner Symposium: A Meeting of
the Minds II

Join us for this exciting dialogue among adult education researchers,
practitioners, and policy makers!

Nationally recognized adult education researchers will discuss their
studies in such areas as reading, learner persistence, English as a
Second Language instructional strategies, technology innovations,
transitioning adults to college, authentic materials, health literacy,
adult numeracy, family literacy, social justice, innovations in
statewide assessment, practitioner inquiry, professional development,
and many more. In addition, a featured concurrent session consists of a
panel of adult literacy learners.

Presenters include Kathleen Bailey, Hal Beder, Alisa Belzer, Beth
Bingman, John Comings, Larry Condelli, Ros Davidson, Ron Glass, John
Fleishman, Daphne Greenberg, Kathy Harris, Erik Jacobson, Jere Johnston,
Tara Joyce, Cheryl Keenan, Mark Kutner, Susan Levine, Myrna Manly,
Dennis Porter, Paul Porter, Steve Reder, Pat Rickard, Rima Rudd, Maricel
Santos, Robin Schwarz, Renee Sherman, Heidi Silver-Pacuilla, Cristine
Smith, John Strucker, Robin Waterman, Cynthia Zafft, and others.

Throughout the symposium, each research presentation will be followed by
a panel of practitioners who will respond to the presentations, and then
by group discussions among participants who will share their reactions
and explore implications from their perspectives as practitioners,
researchers, and policy makers.

The opening plenary session on Thursday features presentations by John
Comings on Advice from NCSALL Research on Building High Quality Programs
and by Mark Kutner on results of the National Assessment of Adult
Literacy (NAAL) and the Health Literacy survey. The plenary session on
Friday features a panel discussion on the topic of how research
influences policy in adult literacy education.

Dates of the Symposium are November 30-December 2, 2006, at the Sheraton
Grand Hotel, Sacramento.

To register online for the Symposium, visit the Web site <> . The
complete program schedule will be posted to the Symposium Web site
within the next few days. Registration is open now.

Sponsors of the Symposium are the California Department of Education
(CDE), the American Institutes for Research, the California Adult
Literacy Professional Development Project (CALPRO), and National Center
for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy (NCSALL).

Don't miss this exciting opportunity! Registration is limited to the
first 300 people. Visit the Symposium Web site and register now! We
look forward to seeing you in Sacramento on November 30.

-Mary Ann Corley, Ph.D.

CALPRO Director and Symposium Coordinator

American Institutes for Research

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