National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment] Standardized assessment of lowest literacy level

Howard L. Dooley, Jr. hdooley at
Sat Feb 4 14:58:33 EST 2006

A recent point has come up at discussions of assessments that I would
like to delve into. In our local discussion of standardized
assessments, the statement has been made that there are no standardized
assessments that are appropriate for learners at or near the lowest
levels of literacy. As examples, this includes the CASAS, the TABE, and
the BEST, which you might agree are reliable and valid for intermediate
to advanced learners. This is for either ABE or ESOL learners.

I'm simply curious to ask and hear from others: (1) Do you agree with
this statement, and why or why not? (2) What do you think an
appropriate standardized assessment for that level should include or
look like? and, (3) Do you think we could come up with a specific
enough list for a program, publisher or vendor to work through creating
a standardized assessment that would meet this need?

I appreciate your assistance, so that I can think this through sincerely
and deeply. Howard.

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