National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 519] Launch of National Commission on Adult Literacy (cross posted)

Gail Spangenberg gspangenberg at
Mon Oct 9 10:26:25 EDT 2006


I think you will be pleased by the attached news release, issued
jointly today by Dollar General Corporation and CAAL. This has been
in the making for some months. I hope it will bring a new sense of
hope and possibility to those who toil in the adult education and
literacy trenches of service, planning, and policy development and
who appreciate the findings of the 2003 NAALs. Should you be unable
to access the PDF attachment, you can see essentially the same
information at the CAAL website (

Gail Spangenberg
Council for Advancement of Adult Literacy
1221 Avenue of the Americas - 46th Fl
New York, NY 10020
212-512-2362, F: 212-512-2610

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