National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 439] Re: Skills Bank

Gloria Fuentes ropteacher at
Tue Aug 1 18:15:50 EDT 2006

Hi Howard,

I didn't know they had a web based program as well. What version are you
using over there? I came into this teaching job not knowing anything about
GED preparation. I am teaching Office Occupations and didn't know I would
also be preparing my students for GED as well. Which I don't mind even
though I am a brand new teacher.

I took over this classroom where their had been no teacher for 4 months. The
only one that was working with the students was the sweet Case Technician
who knows very little about computers.

I had never used Skills Bank and no one was there to show me the ropes on
anything, first teaching job and I have been learning everything the hard
way. I finally just figured out how to work the SkillsBank4 version they
have there. I did try to get some support on it but found out they don't
support version 4 anymore since they are now on version 5. SO--I have been
figuring it all out on my own. So far I think its great but I have come to a
problem where one of my students is ready to go on to Intermediate Math and
they say I don't have that, with our package.

I have been told that when my boss gets back from vacation he has found some
money for some new hardware and software. So since we are working on ANTIQUE
PC's I thought I would put in for some new ones and also have been checking
out some good GED-Prep programs. So far I think SkillsBank is winning. Plato
seems VERY expensive and I am hearing it isn't very user friendly.

I have also found working with my students, along with the Skills Bank
program seems to be working BEST!

Thank you very much for your response,


On 8/1/06, Howard L. Dooley, Jr. <hdooley at> wrote:


> We use My Skills Tutor, a web based program, which works very well with

> our basic skills and GED or EDP preparation students. RI purchased a

> license as part of Project IDEAL participation, a distance learning

> initiative. At our main learning center, all High ESL, ABE and ASE students

> experience the program, and have varying levels of participation on it.

> Several of our teachers have been using the program with some learners, in

> preparation for an expanded use this fall with our general ed, community

> based programs (which are mostly part-time evening programs). We intend to

> offer learners a blended model (distance learning/ classroom instruction).

> Learners who can't attend every class or need to stop out will have support

> in continuing with My Skills Tutor. For learners in class, homework

> assignments will include using the program, or to add reinforcement and more

> time on task for individual needs. I agree with Virginia: we find most

> learners can access and stay with the program long enough to achieve some

> skill development. Very few students can use it as a stand-alone however,

> mostly because they lack independent study skills and self-monitoring.

> Staff is discussing if and how we can explicitly instruct in these areas.


> Howard D.



> Virginia Tardaewether wrote:


> We use skills bank every day here in our basic skills lab. We use it for

> credit as well as non credit students. We have the students run their own

> tracking sheet rather than the tracking portion of the program (due to our

> limitations). In Salem, they have a lab assistant who keeps track of the

> students. This software works great for basic reading, writing and math.

> It also has some science, etc. depending upon what you purchase. Students

> engage with it well and will stick to it long enough to gain skills using

> the software. Haven't worked enough with PLATO to comment.


> Va



> ------------------------------


> *From:* assessment-bounces at [mailto:assessment-bounces at<assessment-bounces at>]

> *On Behalf Of *Gloria Fuentes

> *Sent:* Monday, July 31, 2006 3:14 PM

> *To:* Assessment at

> *Subject:* [Assessment 430] Re: Skills Bank




> Is anyone familiar with the SkillsBank software or Plato, if so what do

> you think about it for GED preparation?


> --

> Gloria Fuentes


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Gloria Fuentes
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