National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 258] Re: FW from Content Standards

Katrina Hinson khinson at
Mon Mar 20 11:28:29 EST 2006

Not everyone uses EFF. What about them? How do you go about addressing the questions/concerns such people might have as to why they don't use a system if it's already in place?


>>> marie.cora at >>>

Dear Colleagues,

The following post is in response to comments made by David Rosen on the
Assessment Discussion List on Sunday, March 19 regarding standards and
on-line performance assessment. Thanks, marie


A bottom-up, field (practitioner and learner) - represented set of
standards? Sounds like EFF, no? What am I missing here? We have this
rich, useful resource in EFF. Are we talking about starting over?
Something different? Don't we have this already? Aren't some of us
building on it?

Janet Isserlis


>> Some might think that what I propose is too top-down. I would argue

>> that it could be very bottom-up if the field -- and adult learner

>> leaders -- are/have been/will be well-represented in setting the

>> standards, and if the modules can be be selected to meet specific

>> learner goals and contexts as well as to the standards.

David Rosen

National Institute for Literacy
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