National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment] TABE question

Bruce Carmel bcarmel at
Tue Jan 31 12:30:10 EST 2006

Hi Andrea,
What would I use instead of the TABE if I didn't have to use the TABE? I would use different tools for different purposes: placement, measuring individual progress, and reporting program impact.
--For beginning readers, I would use something like the Literacy Volunteers READ Test for all of those purposes. In that test, you ask people to read passages of different levels of difficulty and see whether or not they can actually READ them.
--For people who are closer to GED, I would have them take the GED a predictor test. Yes it's still a standardized test, but it's the one our students need to pass to achieve their goals. The TABE is not a very good predictor of GED success.
--For everyone's individual progress, I would use portfolios. Portfolios are great for noting individual progress, but I don't think they work for program impact. Accomplishments in portfolios are too all-over-the-place to be aggregated.
--Another way I have placed beginner-intermediate people is by having them read a range of texts. For example, after an orientation, students did a one-on-one assessment. They were shown a supermarket circular, a subway map, a job application, a telephone book, and a newspaper. We asked them which ones they could read. Then they were asked to DO things such as tell us how they got to school using the map,try to find their best friend's name in the phone book, and explain how to fill out the application. This took a lot of staff time, but it showed us a lot about students reading levels.

Assessment is a great challenge in our field. I have never found a tool I like that is easily administered. The only ones I like take lots of time, and they are not perfect. And even if we devote the time to a good tool, we still have to use standardized tests as well to comply with funders. It's a great frustration that there is no useful, valid, easily adminstered assessment tool for all stakeholders: funders, students, staff and others.

From Bruce Carmel

AWilder106 at wrote:

What would you use? That would satisy both you and funders?

Thanks for ANY enlightenment on this problem.

Andrea -------------------------------
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