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  • Responsible Iraq Strategy - Rep. Castle is a leading supporter of legislation to require the President, in coordination with the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and other senior military leaders, to develop and transmit to Congress a comprehensive strategy for the safe and responsible redeployment of the United States Armed Forces in Iraq. This legislation expresses the view that the military mission in Iraq should transition to focus on combating al-Qaeda and other terrorists, and supporting the Iraqi security forces.
  • A Bi-Partisan Leader - Rep. Castle has spoken out against partisan in-fighting in Congress and is leading a bipartisan effort to focus on substantive proposals to achieve stability, protect our national interests, and begin bring our troops home.  Castle has worked with Democratic Congressman John Tanner of Tennessee to develop the Bipartisan Compact on Iraq Debate, which was endorsed by fourteen Republicans and fourteen Democrats who agree that setting aside partisan differences is vital to resolving the challenges we face in Iraq.
  • Diplomacy - Rep. Castle supports building regional and international support for stability in Iraq through intense diplomacy involving all of Iraq's neighbors.  He opposed plans to send additional troops to Iraq without a clear plan for expanding our diplomatic strategy for engaging the international community and turning security over to the Iraqi government.
  • Supporting Our Troops - Castle continues to support our troops and has vowed to oppose any legislation that would prohibit funding for our soldiers or deny them the tools and resources they need.  He also recognizes the importance of providing our veterans with every opportunity possible when returning from Iraq.  To this end, Castle introduced the "Securing Success for Veterans on Campus Act" to help our recent combat veterans use their GI Bill education benefits to attend and succeed in college.
110th Congress Iraq Votes and Statements

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